Why Has the Pronunciation of Hebrew Changed?

962.1Over the years since the appearance of the Hebrew language, its writing and grammar have remained unchanged. But the sounds have undergone various changes, as has its pronunciation since it depends on the person in our world.

The real pronunciation, which consists of guttural, whistling, and hissing sounds, has been lost by us. Today we practically do not produce, express, and understand the five types of sounds: palatal, dental, throat, labial, and cheek.

And they are very important. The same sound uttered by teeth, lips, cheeks, palate, or throat has a completely different meaning depending on which of the five parts of the soul it belongs to: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zair Anpin, Malchut.

It all depends on how we exhale air, how we pump it through the throat. After all, the throat is a combination of Malchut and Bina.

When Bina descends from the head (Rosh) into the body (Guf), a throat is formed at the intersection of the human and animal levels, and huge changes occur there, which are the combinations of the qualities of Malchut and Bina. That’s why we don’t use any of it all.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Voice Telepathy” 1/23/11

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