Real Friends

528.01Question: You often say that it is necessary to justify a friend as much as possible unless he does harm. But where is the line, what kind of harm can be caused?

Answer: When he destroys the group. If a person destroys the group, then he has no place in the group, then he is not a friend. Everything else must be endured.

Sometimes there are moments that look like the destruction of the group. In this case, you can point it out to him. But, in principle, we must try to justify a friend.

The most important thing is still the group because in it a person reveals the upper world, the Creator. And so one can clearly define is it for or against.

There are some people who are as if in a group and not in a group; they just exist side by side. They come and participate in some events, but do not invest in the association. Then they are not friends, but just listeners. There are always those.

The group is made up of many circles. There are people who have been with me for 15-20 years or more, they are proven friends who cannot do otherwise. For them, Kabbalah is their whole life.

There are those who can come today, but not tomorrow, they do not see their life in this. And there are people who exist as if nearby. For them, being in a group has not yet become the place where you reveal your true life, your essence.

When you begin to see deeper connections in unity with friends, the inner connections of the world, when the group turns into a spiritual community in which a completely new dimension is revealed, the inner one, then this is a completely different state.

If people understand that only by creating a new community will they find new connections there, new fields, control over themselves, the world, then they are already really friends.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Harming the group” 1/2/11

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