Illusion of the World

423.01Comment: Looking at a person or an object, I feel them, as you say, through the interaction of forces. But I perceive these objects as a visual, illusory image, which you call a screen.

My Response: The fact is that we perceive our natural screen we were born with. The interaction of forces draws a multidimensional picture of the world on it.

That is, we create flat screens in ourselves, like a computer screen or a movie screen, which are located inside our world. Our world itself is also a screen, only it is three-dimensional, and voluminous, like 3D technologies or other latest techniques.

There are 125 such spherical screens, meaning spheres nested one into another. We are in the smallest inner sphere. This screen, that was initially given to us automatically and in which we imagine ourselves as existing, is called “our world.”

It is created by only two forces, reception and bestowal, at the very minimum level of their interaction. If we can develop them, and raise ourselves up so that the force of bestowal prevails over the force of reception, then we will expand and enter the next sphere, the next screen, where we will feel ourselves living, but in a completely different form.

That is, we will feel ourselves, our qualities, and the entire environment completely differently. This is called the “upper world.” Then we move on to the next state, and the next one, and so on.

All these states overlap each other, and they do not interfere with us, like if you were in a movie theater and see on the screen how you sit and watch a movie, and in that movie, you see how you sit and watch another movie, and so on. And in this way, 125 screens inwardly.

Comment: Everything I feel and see around me is actually the interaction of forces within me. But I see it on my internal screen. In fact, this screen is just an illusion through which I can somehow hold on to the forces that exist behind it.

My Response: It is very difficult to imagine this for a person who does not feel it. You just feel like you are in our reality. You draw it, meaning you create it with your thoughts and forces. In fact, it does not exist.

After all, 125 concentric spheres of attainment do not exist outside of you. You draw them, you create them.

This is a very complex science. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually get used to such an action, enter it, and get used to it. Then you suddenly feel that everything really is arranged in this way, and that is how you live.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Illusion Of the World” 2/1/11

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