Friendly Relations

938.07Question: What relationship should there be between friends in a Kabbalistic group?

Answer: Relationships between friends in a group are very complicated. Everyone should give others full confidence that he or she loves them, cares about them, and that a friend in his arms is like a baby in its mother’s arms.

By giving such a feeling, it is as if I impose the feeling of the upper state on him, when he can think about others and not about himself. You disarm him, neutralize his ego, and he will inevitably think about others. He will not be able to think about himself because you have neutralized him. You gave him the feeling that you would provide him with everything he would ever need. Then he can go to the spiritual world.

Can you imagine how dependent we are on each other? This is a mutual guarantee. It is not that I think about it, feel it, and measure it, but my friends, with their thoughts and concerns about me, put me in such a state.

I cannot do anything, I involuntarily move into bestowing and into exiting myself because I have nothing to do inside myself. Just nothing! They took it all away from me and it is as if I said: “Do not worry about yourself; this is all on us.” Then I have no choice, I start thinking externally: How can I through them do the same with the Creator?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Motherly Care” 12/31/12

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