The Whole Sea Is in One Drop

712.03Every line of the Torah has such depth. The Torah is infinite, as if the whole sea is in one drop. As Kabbalah says: the whole universe exists in every point of the universe.

Question: How can this be?

Answer: It is like a holographic picture because everything consists of everything. Our world is only now beginning to understand this based on holography. In principle, if there is perfection, then every part of it must be perfect. How can it be imperfect if it must be equal, similar, and completely repeat the whole in everything?

It turns out that the whole and the part are absolutely equivalent. Every person and the whole world are absolutely equal.

Question: Then how did something imperfect come out of the perfect Creator?

Answer: The Creator created the creation not out of Himself, but out of nothing. The will to receive is His imprint. That is, we are absolutely opposite to Him. But our final state is equal to the Creator and perfect. We must reach it by ourselves.

We, as if, go back by the same path and become more and more perfect by returning to the source. Kabbalah and the Torah are engaged in this.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/10

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