The Framework of Error-Free Actions

631.1Question: Is it necessary to develop a person’s responsibility for what he does?

Answer: No! And for what can you beat him or reward him? For the society in which he is. So, society overlooked it.

Question: But he still needs to understand his responsibility. Or is he like a child who broke a cup and says, “It fell by itself!”? But it never falls, a sane person should somehow understand this?

Answer: There is no such thing as common sense! Any person, including a Kabbalist, understands everything only within the limits of his level and no more than that.

All of us are, at best, on the “ladder,” and sometimes under it. So, everyone, to the extent of his spiritual correction, can clearly understand, know, and be responsible for his actions up to this stage. And above that, no. He will always be wrong.

This is the only way we can evaluate a person. If I know exactly my measure or the measure of someone else, then I can load myself or him with any actions up to a certain level, and this will be done correctly in accordance with the program of nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Punishment” 10/5/13

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