What a Kabbalist Dreams

564Question: What does a Kabbalist dream of when he sleeps?

Answer: A cat dreams of mice, Don Juan dreams of women, a hungry man dreams of a loaf of bread. What a person wants, what hurts him, what he is afraid of or aspires to is what he dreams about.

What does a Kabbalist dream about? It depends on what you go to bed with: either issues in the group, the students, or, conversely, serious preparation for the next events. In accordance with this, all sorts of thoughts slip through. I have not seen dreams in the form of images for a long time, they are in the form of thoughts.

Once it was in the form of all kinds of scenes where people argued, debated, and empathized in my dreams. But for the past 20 years or more, I wake up with thoughts of what I was thinking in my dream—thoughts mind you, not visual scenes. I don’t know why.

I think it is because I don’t pay attention to the visual scenes in life: not to appearance or to the world. I’m practically not interested in it. I don’t attach any importance to this. What difference does it make how you are dressed, what accessories you are wearing, etc. I realize that this is all just boosting our egoism, to somehow charm somebody or show who I am compared to him to put him in his place.

Question: Did Rabash tell you his dreams? Did he dream of anything?

Answer: No. I don’t think he did either.

I think visual dreams in the form of images stop happening in the early stages of a Kabbalist’s work on himself. It all goes away very quickly because you rise above this seeming theater that is being played out here, and you enter the world of forces.

For example, if there is some kind of problem on the computer screen, the one who fixes it does not look at the screen, the main thing for him is to fix it on the inside. The screen for him is just an indicator.

So does the Kabbalist. He very quickly passes the stage when the screen is even an indicator for him, and he enters directly into the world of forces. There are no images there, including dreams.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What does a Kabbalist Dream About?” 10/12/13

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