Problems of Spiritual Growth

962.2Comment: Sometimes what you said yesterday seemed like it was the most important to us. But then soon after, you are already attaching importance to another process, then the next one, and so non-stop. Then it seems: “Where do we go”?

My Response: This is because a person who is at the beginning of the path is confused by this.

Let’s say we are walking along the road with you and I give you all sorts of instructions: “Think about the goal, take a wider step, take a deeper breath, swing your arms wider.” For you it looks like they cancel one another, but in my mind it does not.

A person feels and hears what he is able to perceive from all the information. This is how we are arranged, otherwise we simply would not be able to do anything. In this way at least we do what we hear.

Comment: Many of those who come to Kabbalah think in a standard way. Let’s say we have chosen a direction, as in business and we are going toward the goal, then we begin to face a process in which it’s not the final profit that is important, but the process itself. A person begins to get confused and thinks that they themselves do not understand what they are doing, meaning there is no clear corporeal framework.

My Response: Yes. This is why a person chooses something narrow for himself and holds onto it, like a little child to his toy or doll, and thus continues to go. This is natural for beginners.

I see it and wait for the person to develop. There is nothing you can do, as this is how we grow.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Contradiction” 3/20/13

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