Pride Is A Manifestation Of Egoism

627.1Remark: One of the feelings related to spiritual development is pride,  self-esteem, self-respect, a sense of satisfaction from the consciousness of the successes achieved, a sense of superiority in something. You write that any quality can be corrected except pride. This is the highest manifestation of egoism. It takes us away from the goal of unity.

My Comment: The point is that pride closes our eyes and ears. It just shuts a person down, he cannot perceive anything, does not feel others. In this case, he is not able to change something in himself.

Question: Is love for oneself also pride?

Answer: Pride is egoism. Self-love is much lower than pride.

Question: How can we overcome pride? Is there a technique?

Answer: No. It comes gradually when you feel that you are completely in the hands of nature.

Remark: On the other hand, there is a kind of positive pride when they say that a person should be proud of belonging to a certain circle, for example, scientists.

My Comment: This is pride in your belonging. Pride in the path, for the goal, is pride in being part of this path.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

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