According To One’s Needs

565.01Question: In 2020, it has been estimated that a third to one half of the world’s population, almost two billion people, are at risk of losing their jobs or switching to part-time employment. More and more people work from home today. On one hand, this has many advantages for both the employers and the employees. On the other hand, we have stopped wasting time on extraneous conversations, smoking, breaks, etc. But the most crucial thing is that when we stopped working in our workplaces, we lost our social contacts.

What do you think will replace the connections that people had at work?

Answer: I am very glad that these ties are dissipating because they were all egoistic built on the lack of the correct upbringing.

Comment: Accounting for working hours when working from home is quite problematic.

Answer: We don’t need any business hours! We need a person to work from the heart 24 hours a day. This would include one’s physical activity, walking, sleeping, and one’s relationship with their family so that everything altogether would make up their life. Why look at working hours? How many people today work needlessly or with minimal benefit, ostensibly demonstrating their positions are necessary?

Question: Do you think the pay should be based on the number of working hours or on the results?

Answer: Pay should be such as to allow a person to properly exist according to one’s necessities regardless of what one does, where one works, or what position one holds. Payment should be more or less the same for everyone, according to the individual needs of each person.

Question: How can an individual’s needs be determined?

Answer: In order to answer this, we must study people and create well-defined charts of their needs. This is the realm of social work that will involve a lot of people. Each person would make a list of what they need. Let’s say that you need to fill out a form of what you need for a day, a week, a month, and a year.

From such reports, we will understand what everyone needs, and we will learn what we need and what may be completely unnecessary to produce because it only depletes the Earth.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

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