Methodology From Moses

200.02Question: There are several stages of learning the method of connection.

The first stage is explanatory when a person must receive information about the current situation, about the crisis that has engulfed all spheres of our life.

The second stage is acquiring knowledge. A person begins to understand his egoistic nature, what the freedom of choice is, what the correct perception of reality is, the general goal of nature that he must achieve, etc.

The third stage is educational, sensory, when people studying the method of connection should be divided into small groups, in tens, in which they will be able to feel everything that has been explained to them in practice.

The fourth stage is going out into the world and working not only in a small group, but also with all of humanity.

What could you add here?

Answer: I can only say that I have not added anything new here. My explanation that humanity should be divided in tens and correct itself though them in general unity, and then in a larger form, comes from Moses, who, upon receiving the Torah, immediately began to unite the nation.

The fact is that by trying to unite above egoism, we begin to feel the common force of nature, which is called the Creator. The revelation of this force in us leads to a spiritual ascent. We begin to feel the entire universe, all of nature, the spiritual worlds, the system that governs us.

Thus, we rise from the animate level governed from above, to the level of man (Adam). Adam comes from the word Domeh, similar, to the Creator. We come to a level equal to Him. We must ascend to this state of complete similarity to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 12/9/19

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