Join The Integral System

552.02Question: When someone provides me with some service, I can feel through it his emotional and moral attitude toward me. If I receive some products made by people I do not see and do not know, will I be able to feel them?

Answer: It depends on our agreement. There should be a clear program, clear policy, clear social agreement in society that people will produce only what they need and provide it to everyone.

Therefore, there should be common places established for producing necessary food, clothing, machinery, and so on.

But the most important thing will be aiming at mutual education, revealing the internal forces of the integral system of nature in the correct connection between us. This will help us create our own integral system of human relationships, which will be similar to nature. Then we will be called Adam, from the word “similar to nature.”

Question: What is better from the point of view of the internal laws of nature: to work for me, for the employer, or for the country?

Answer: From the Kabbalistic point of view, it doesn’t matter who you work for. It is because a person, society, country, the entire Earth, and all of nature in general are one integral system. We need to be included in this system first out of necessity and then voluntarily by our will and with love.

There are stages of our inclusion in the general system. Yet, it all begins with love for one’s neighbor and extends to universal love for the entire nature, for the entire system of integral connection.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Related Material:
On The Threshold Of A New Formation: “Integral Society” Part 2
Earn The Other’s Consent To Participate In Union
The Wisdom To Reveal The World

For The Sake Of Society, Not For Yourself

546.02Question: Can you explain the principle of “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs”? Can we say that this is the main principle of the new economy?

Answer: Naturally. Society should give a person what is necessary for his normal existence, no more and no less. In return, it should require of him all possible participation in the life and prosperity of society.

Do not measure the good of society by the growth of product output. If you have everything you need, there is no need to increase production. Man is the same animal. He needs as much as he can consume. Not more.

He should not consume 5,000 calories today if he consumed 2,000 yesterday. The growth of social welfare does not consist in this, but in a greater connection between people, in order to reveal to each other the higher layers of nature.

Remark: By saying this, you are canceling Maslow’s pyramid. It is clear that the rich can no longer eat and sleep in three beds. But behind basic needs, there is social growth of egoistic desires for honor, power, and knowledge. You can not jump over them.

My Comment: It depends on your upbringing. When I use these means to benefit society, they will not be defined as power, knowledge, strength, fame, etc. It will be called something else because I do it for the sake of society.

Question: What will a person enjoy?

Answer: The fact that he will be respected not for power, but for working for others. He will evaluate his work in accordance with the assessment of society.

Question: So, will the desire for wealth, power, and knowledge still remain?

Answer: They will take on a different form: for the sake of society, not for their own sake.

Question: Will the rich people still stay?

Answer: No. There will be no rich people. Society will not allow itself to have such people. Moreover, a person brought up in a new environment will not want to be like this.

Question: But the desire for knowledge will certainly continue. Scientists will be respected for their discoveries. What is the difference between today’s scientists and the scientists of the future? What will drive them?

Answer: Those and others are working to satisfy their selfish desire for knowledge. It does not interfere with society. Anything that does not hinder society or allow it to move ahead toward greater integration is commendable. The public good should serve as a compass.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Related Material:
Building The Future Society, Part 5
Will People Lose Their Desire To Be Rich?
Society Of The Future: Becoming Partners With The Creator

Everything Is Aimed At Connection

557Question: The result of human labor is a product, a service, or information. Before a product reaches the consumer, it goes through dozens, if not millions of hands. For example, for me to drink a cup of coffee, probably millions of people invested their efforts in its collection and production. Can this somehow connect us with each other?

Answer: If we understand how much we are connected with each other in determining a more or less normal, tolerable, or even good existence for everyone, we will appreciate each other. This should be demonstrated to everyone.

Question: Previously, people had organic farms and they ate what they grew in their garden. They did not have much contact with others.

Today, if you look at household items, I think the whole world took some part in producing them. Is there some sort of deep meaning in this?

Answer: From this example, we can see that we are better off communicating with each other so that we would provide for ourselves more easily. After all, in some places of the world it is good to produce, in others to extract, in others to process, and so on. That is, everything depends on the natural conditions.

As it is written in the Torah: “Go and earn from each other.”
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Related Material:
Earn The Other’s Consent To Participate In Union
“Go Make A Living Off Each Other”
The Wisdom To Reveal The World

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 9/29/20

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic of “Baal HaSulam Memorial Day”

[media 3] [media 4]

Lesson on the Topic of “The Law of Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

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