What’s Wrong With Shopping Therapy?

laitman_625.03Question: We must constantly satisfy our desires. You said that when the quarantine ends, people will lose the need to satisfy themselves with all sorts of shopping, etc.

But we can see that now when a slight easing has begun, people have started flooding restaurants and shops to fill the accumulated void. I even know for myself that shopping therapy is a pleasant thing that is quite accessible to many. What is wrong with this and why should it end?

Answer: It’s not about whether it’s good or bad. I evaluate everything in relation to the goal that the individual and society as a whole should achieve. Therefore, I cannot say that we are acting correctly, behaving correctly.

Nature will have to correct us and precisely direct us to the final goal of development. And it is not sitting in cafes, restaurants, and bars or running around to sales, but working on ourselves, learning together how to get closer to one another internally, and creating a single system of ourselves, like all of inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature and the entire cosmos. We cannot even imagine how much they are connected in all their diversity.

Therefore, we need to understand that we should also be linked to this system and not look at it from the outside as some higher creatures, the masters of life. We need to know what is happening to us, what nature wants from us.

And it wants absolute unity between us so that we are as one person with one heart and, at the same time, connected to its inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, adding to them our level of “man.” Then everything together will be one completely closed integral system.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/23/20

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