Who Is Managing Our Lives?

laitman_565.01Question: I have always thought that I manage my own life, but you are saying that everything comes from the Creator. How can we check that?

Answer: If we scrutinize our lives carefully, we will see that we don’t manage anything, and even if we think that we actually perform certain actions and do certain things, it only seems this way to us. We are constantly in doubt.

The only way we can check that the Creator is the only force that manages everyone is if we carefully implement the method of attaining the Creator. Then He is revealed.

But the system that we learn about is revealed to us in the oppositeness of the Creator, in the oppositeness of His uniqueness, His credibility. You will feel this as a revelation of the light against a background of darkness and will gradually come to the conclusion that there is indeed only one force that manages us.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/1/19

Related Material:
Only The Creator Manages Everything
Seeing The Uniqueness Of The Creator
The Uniqueness Of The Force Governing Us, Part 1

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