How Can We Explain The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

laitman_214Question: How can we convey to people who come to study for the first time what the wisdom of Kabbalah is about in a nutshell and how it enters the learner’s emotions?

Answer: It is impossible to simply convey the wisdom of Kabbalah in words. A person needs to gradually explain it to himself. I cannot tell him all about it in one sentence. The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the meaning of life to a person, the meaning of creation and how it was created, how it evolves, and where it is leading us, how we participate in the process, and what our ability to impact our fate and attain the goal of creation comes down to in a correct and quick way.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is not related to religion or philosophy. It is a separate wisdom that Adam received almost 6,000 years ago, and since then it has been living and developing in humanity. We must gradually accept, learn, and internalize this wisdom.

This wisdom does not oblige us to do anything but good. It is through the good connections with others that we reveal the upper world, the Creator, and at the same time cannot harm anyone or do anything negative in any way whatsoever. There are no limitations to studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, and whoever wants to study can do so. But a person who wants to study seriously must already keep certain conditions, not limitations, but conditions, as to how to study in order to truly fulfill this wisdom inside him.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/1/19

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