Closeness Between Teacher And Student

laitman_588.03Question: When you, as a student of Rabash, discovered internal disconnection from your teacher, how did you reconnect to him?

Answer: It happens very often. We must follow this and try to get closer literally every minute. In principle, any advancement is based on closeness with the teacher. It is the only way.

Question: New students want to get close to the teacher as soon as possible. But they do not yet have an understanding of the subject. How important is it to restrain them and explain that they need to first learn the basics of Kabbalah, and then rush to connect to you?

Answer: On what basis will we build connection? It is not pointless. It comes down to the fact that together we advance toward the goal. They support themselves, I support them, and this is how we advance.

In the beginning, when a person is beginning their study, one does not even know what it is all about, what one is rushing to, why one was brought here, and what one should desire.

Therefore, I think it is good that for the first six months, we meet once a week.

When I started studying with Rabash, I came to his classes every evening for two hours. Only after two or even three years did he allow me to move closer to him.

I do not know how often you study, but if you can devote 10% of your general activities to communicate with me, I will be very happy.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals in Kabbalah,” 10/27/19

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