Question From Gaza

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/24/18

Yesterday in the daily Kabbalah lesson, Ahmed from Gaza sent me a question: Why is Israel constantly bombing us? Don’t the leaders understand they’re putting us through hell? Things are bad here anyway. He added with great pain: What can I do spiritually to bring peace and goodness among everyone?

This is a big problem, Ahmed, I replied to him. A very big problem in that we do not understand each other. Even though we are all subject to the same higher force, and we can be brothers, the ego games in politics instigate war between us.

Let’s clarify together the method of correction, we will examine it in depth and simply implement it. The whole method depends on the connection between human beings. I do not blame the Jews or the Arabs here, as long as we, the two peoples, have not changed or understood what is before us. Governments are only an expression of the nations.

Therefore, I hope that there will be more people like you in Gaza and other places, and we will work together. I will be happy to work on connection together. The correction of the world cannot happen the things are going today.

And what about the bombings? We’ll pray together that it will not happen again. There is no one to blame other than us, those who know what the correction of the world depends on. Therefore, those who hear this must act. If we disseminate to everyone the knowledge that the correction depends solely on the connection between us above all opinions, above all the differences, above all the events of history; if we try to reach a real connection, above the human power, then the world will look completely different. Not only in Gaza but throughout the Middle East, throughout Asia, Europe, anywhere in the world.

It all depends on spreading the awareness that connection is the correction, and in that we have no differences of opinion. This is common to those who believe in the original Islam and those who believe in the original Judaism, that is, the wisdom of Kabbalah. Abraham, our common ancestor, founded both. Yet, over time, each nation turned to its own egoistic direction, and now we must start correcting it. I hope that ahead of us is a mutual and successful process of connection.

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