Following Kabbalists’ Advice

Laitman_165Question: What does “principle” mean in spirituality? Is it a law? And what will happen if I don’t follow a certain principle?

Answer: All the principles that we have from the wishes and advice of Kabbalists are intended only to help us focus ourselves correctly on the feeling of the upper world. Therefore, if we follow their advice, we will begin to perceive and to attain the upper world, which is the main thing and everything else is up to you.

Many Kabbalah students are stubborn and don’t want to change anything internally. They don’t want to change their paradigm of the perception of the world. Therefore, keep running into a wall when studying this wisdom and cannot do anything.

Question: I understand what will happen in our world if I ignore the law of gravity, but what will happen if I don’t keep or follow a law or a principle that is in The Book of Zohar?

Answer: If you don’t keep a law of the upper world, you will not feel it.

Question: Is this the worst thing that can happen?

Answer: It can be much worse because our entire development in this world is aimed at pushing us to further development: to the perception of the upper world. If we don’t do this, we will develop by terribly painful afflictions.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/12/17

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Listen To The Words Of The Kabbalists!
Answers For Opponents Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah
Why Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Important?

Convention: Direction And Inclination To Connection

laitman_938_02Question: How should we behave during a convention in order to maximize the time in the convention?

Answer: You should simply forget about yourself and constantly be part of the general unity in order to feel the nucleus of the common connection, the common thought, and the common desire.

Question: Who are you targeting at the convention, the newcomers or the veteran students?

Answer: No one. I am guided by the connection between people.

We shouldn’t study difficult material during a convention. A convention isn’t about studying but about unity. This is the reason that the study material should be totally accessible to everyone, including what I say and what needs to be done. Everyone will receive according to his level—according to the individual spiritual states one is in.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17

Related Material:
The Main Impression From The Congress
A Convention Is The Unity Of Internal Impulses
Solitude Or Congress?

Who Broke The Soul?

Laitman_702.02Question: There is only the Creator and the created being in the system, so who broke the general soul?

Answer: The Creator, He said: “I have created the evil inclination; I have created the Torah as a spice, since the Light in it reforms.” “Correct the breaking and you will receive a reward. I have created you small and you can reach My level, eternity, perfection, knowledge, and pleasure. Everything is before you!”

The Creator could have created us in the state of wholeness. But we are required to want to attain this level by ourselves so that we will use our free will.

Question: And what do we gain from our free will?

Answer: It will give us a feeling of attainment, revelation, and filling. It is all me!

Imagine a person who was born a prince, compared to a person who has attained the status himself and has become a king. That is the whole difference.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/23/17

Related Material:
Why The Good Created Evil
Why Did The Creator Make The Evil Inclination?
Why Does The Creator Boast Of Creating Evil?

Who Created The Creator?

laitman_239Question: Who created the Creator?

Answer: Man. The Creator is called Boreh, “Bo u-reh – come and see.” Everything a person attains in his corrected vessels (Kelim) is called the Creator. Therefore, the attainment of the Creator depends on a person’s actions. So the person creates the Creator.

I create either a small or large vessel on different levels into which the upper Light enters. The vessel with the Light that fills it—HaVaYaH that is filled with the Light of NRNHY (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Haya, Yehida)—is called the Creator.

Who created the vessel? I did through my efforts. Therefore, the Creator is called come and see.

So, who is the Creator? The one I created. The force that exists above us and enables us to attain ourselves is called Atzmuto, that is, He is Himself in Himself.

Question: And this is the upper mind?

Answer: We cannot even speak about the mind. It is simply He.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/12/17

Related Material:
“From Your Deeds We Shall Know You”
If There Is No Man, There Is No Creator
Why Should We Create The Creator?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 8/29/17

Preparation for the Lesson

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Shamati #20Lishma (For Her Name)” 

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 95 

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Shamati #25 “Things that Come from the Heart” 

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 08.28.17

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Newsmax: “Trump Must Focus On American Unity First”

The largest portal Newsmax (12 million readers) published my new article “Trump Must Focus On American Unity First“:

For anyone not in President Trump’s closest circle, it is hard to figure out where the White House is going. I was very supportive of Trump even before he won the Republican primaries, but currently, it’s hard to see where his presidency is headed.

Soon after the inauguration, I warned that the Republican, conservative silent majority of the American public has been silent for too long and that it could erupt in unpredictable ways unless Trump begins to implement his America First plan and strives toward uniting all factions of American society. The events in Charlottesville may be the beginning of what I feared would happen unless he takes immediate action in this direction.

The presence of an “outsider” like Donald Trump within the American political system galvanizes many radical forces on both sides of the political map. Neo-Nazis are no worse than Antifa fascist militants; both are hazards to society. Now that blood has been drawn, there is no telling how far and how fast matters will deteriorate.

In May, when President Trump visited Israel, I published an open letter in the local media urging him to focus on home affairs because I felt that the American ship was veering off course. Now the country seems more like a rudderless ship than a world leader, and the executives quitting the CEO councils seem more as though they are jumping ship than protesting the president’s response to the racist violence in Charlottesville.

President Trump’s credo, that American interests should come first, is at odds with the view of Wall Street financiers and their minions, the liberal Democrats, who are devout globalists. Since these globalists control the majority of American media, it seems as though everyone is against the president. But Trump’s first commitment is to the American people. He was elected to protect and promote the interests of his country, and this is what he should do. This will earn him the public’s trust regardless of the image that the majority of media outlets are trying to portray.

Therefore, in my opinion, the first thing that Trump should do is adopt a more appeasing tone toward all Americans. Next, he should begin to place emphasis on American society rather than on foreign affairs.

Without some form of countrywide solidarity, the country will disintegrate. When I first wrote about this concept, it was easier to implement, but few thought it was imperative. Now that it is evidently required, it is much harder to do. Nevertheless, there are no alternatives.

Once the president has reprioritized America’s affairs, he should start implementing educational programs for adults and students that promote solidarity and social cohesion countrywide. You cannot expect hatred to wane by itself, so you need to make it look irrelevant. Americans excel at creating trends. Isn’t it time to make friendly trendy?

We can already see that the government initiative to legalize drugs has not been the sedative authorities had hoped it would be. As extremism rises, the only soporific “substance” that will work is awareness that America belongs to all Americans, and that Americans must care for the well-being of their countryfolk before they care about anything and anyone else.

Malls are emptying by the thousands; brick-and-mortar shops are closing all over the country; people are losing their jobs and losing their hopes. But there is plenty of wealth in America to provide for everyone, if the country wishes to do so.
I already noted that the idea of basic income for all will wreak havoc in society unless it is contingent upon participating in “unity trainings.” Why not make other benefits contingent upon this, too?

The real estate vacancies that are appearing all over the U.S. can easily become venues where people attend unity trainings. The fast and affordable internet allows for classes to be given online with a handful of instructors training millions of people. Such an initiative will cost nearly nothing, and the government and municipal resources it will save on reduced violence, substance abuse related crimes, domestic crises, and healthcare related costs will make it the most lucrative government program ever initiated.

But time is running out. Unless the White House pushes this American Unity First program, it will soon be too late to escape a complete national meltdown.

Why Do Kabbalists Recommend Establishing Families?

laitman_626Question: Kabbalists recommend establishing families. How and why does this influence a person’s spiritual development?

Answer: It could be that in our times this is no longer as relevant as it was in the past. But in principle, the conditions for establishing a family are not derived from material needs that change in each and every generation and especially now, but from the fact that it is because within the framework of life in the family unit in our world, we must become similar to the upper world.

In the upper world, there is always a connection between opposites that are embedded within the physical world as a masculine part and a feminine part. Therefore, there is a requirement for male Kabbalists to marry.

In all times, women wanted to marry while men didn’t always want this. In our time, everything is the opposite. It could be that the men agree to marry, especially since the wisdom of Kabbalah obligates them, while women no longer want to establish families because they believe that it is not imperative for them. Therefore, the problem nevertheless exists.

I relate to this subject simply: If you want to marry, get married, and if you don’t want to, then don’t marry. But if you marry, then choose a partner who will help you in attaining the higher goal.
From a Kabbalah Lesson in  Russian 5/21/17

Related Material:
Do We Need A Family In The Modern World?
Do We Need A Second Half?
The Family Revolution

My Thoughts On Twitter, 8/26/17


There Will Be No Winners in the Second Civil War @newsmax #trump

From Twitter, 8/26/17

Related Material:
My Thoughts On Twitter, 8/25/17
My Thoughts On Twitter, 8/21/17
My Thoughts On Twitter, 8/20/17

What Does The Life Force Depend On?

624.02Question: What determines how powerful a person’s life force is?

Answer: It depends only on the upper Light. The power of man’s material vital force also depends on the upper Light, but there is a certain correlation between them.

Question: You often say that there is no fatigue. What do you mean by this?

Answer: There is no fatigue because it depends on how the Light influences you. This is why the power of the life force can be absolutely infinite.

To put it simply, we are created so that we should alternate between being awake and being asleep, but this has nothing to do with fatigue. Certain signals are coming down upon us that make us sleep, make us tired, and make us awake, not because the body needs it.

The laws of nature are arranged this way. It comes from the upper worlds.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/12/17

Related Material:
In The Spiritual World There Is No Fatigue!
There’s No Such Thing As Physical Fatigue
Attaining Unity