The Jewish Character Is Unity

laitman_943Only unity will allow the people of Israel to achieve success in any field. By doing so, it fulfills the program of creation. The point here is not about politics, not economics; unity is inherent in the plan of the universe, which is presented before us. It is time to understand it and all together to begin to realize it.

If we deal with that, the nations of the world will join us to help in every way. According to the metaphor of the Tanakh, that they will “carry the children of Israel on their shoulders to Jerusalem.”

Question: Who prevents the people of Israel?

Answer: It itself. For example, currently the Knesset is discussing a bill on the Jewish character of the state. Thus, the politicians want to clarify basic questions: whether we live on our land as the people of Israel?

However, what are they based on? On the legacy of Jabotinsky and Ben-Gurion? Such arguments do not represent a sufficient basis; hence, there is discussion.

This topic has become urgent, and we have to explain to people what really “the people of Israel,” “the land of Israel,” “the State of Israel” are.

We returned here to carry out our task and were given time—the current period—to be used for the formation of the people in its true, correct form, according to the laws of nature, and not the way we want. The power of the Turkish sultan, the British mandate, the recommendations of university professors, etc., all these are equally inconsistent with nature.

We already have lived under a foreign law, so why take the next versions, let them be our own, but nonetheless forced and artificial.

I repeat, it is a program of nature. True, we are not like all others, but for one reason: We are entrusted with the duty to take a definite shape and become a transitional link to the world. The growing anti-Semitism today is a sign that reveals to us that the world is aware.

And we need to highlight key points. Indeed, we have a problem. Indeed, we must take on the law, defining the role, the essence of the people of Israel and the land bearing the name of “Eretz Israel.”

Unlike others, we are considered a people only under certain conditions. And if we carry them out, then ethnic conflicts will disappear. It will be discovered that everyone has a place and everyone is responsible for correction. Please join under the umbrella of unity, and together we will do everything that is required.

The new bill is intended to divide the Jews and other peoples who live here. We, on the contrary, call not for division, but unity.

We are talking about a very difficult key issue. Prompting it through the politicians, the Creator sends us a clear sign so that namely we will solve these problems. None of them will be able to find a solution. No matter how much they may vote, no matter what laws they may pass, the fruits of their work do not stand the test of reality. The result will be only a general “catcall.”

On the other hand, if we start doing what should do, according to the program of creation and development of the world, we will get a great response from all the nations. They will immediately understand and feel:”The Jews have suddenly become engaged in their business.”

As Baal HaSulam writes, the corrections of the Jewish people is carried out in stages in a very long and difficult path, but the nations, on the contrary, will get them at once. Therefore, our correct actions will be immediately rewarded with respect and a positive reaction. Moreover, this entire process will be unfolded right before our eyes.

Well, today, the debate on the Jewish character of the state, in fact, is pulled out of thin air. Of course, the world will not agree with this approach. If you purposefully go against everyone, it does not always help. We will not win in this way. Similarly, today Russia confronts Europe and America from hopeless positions. Our world is egoistic: He who has more money wins.

This is predetermined, and even if you are right, nothing can be done. In this case, we are even wrong, and therefore will not succeed. We still will have to “eat” what they are “cooking” because we do not agree with the program of creation.

According to this program, we have to come to unity in our environment and with the Creator. Who agrees to connect to us and to Him—please. Everyone has a place. That’s what the “Jewish character of the country is,” that’s what the people of Israel are.

Baal HaSulam writes in the “The Writings Of The Last Generation” how this unity is created.

“Since this altruistic law will be international, thanks to money and spiritual influence, it will be possible to win the hearts of Arab sheikhs who will take this outlook together with us as a single unit and will draw the souls from the midst of Arab workers and owners.

“Hence it shall grow benefit for Zionism, for since they pass a law, mandating to love and bestow to the entire humanity in equal measure, because they will not hanker to raid the land of Israel, because they will understand that this land is intended for the Creator. The standard of living of the Arabs will be the same as the level of the Jews, and it will be a great help to establish friendship between them. ”

Only unity and equality will ensure victory. And thus we will kill all the forces of impurity.

We only need to understand that we do not act against sheikhs, governments, the UN, or anyone else. Instead, we must establish a balance between internal forces inherent in humanity. We have to think about them, and then we will succeed.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/27/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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