A Placebo Instead Of Real Medicine

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What can you say about red strings and other popular lucky charms?

Answer: These are all egoistic symbols that allow those who sell them to make a profit.

Those who buy them believe in their “holy power” and to some extent, this helps them psychologically.

I have nothing against this, but we just shouldn’t connect it to the wisdom of Kabbalah. This misleads people, especially in our times when humanity needs to reeducate itself.

Man is a complex creature. A red string doesn’t change a person. It gives him some inner energy, a sense of security and psychological support. It is like a placebo given to a patient instead of real medicine, and it helps.

In any case, it is a lie since such lucky charms don’t heal a person, but only divert him from the real solution to the problem that is ripening and which must be addressed.
From talk with V. Kanevsky in Toronto, 8/05/14

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Regulators Of The Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanCome, let’s imagine a technical component, a trigger, like in a computer, a “0” or “1”, or a small faucet that opens and closes something.

It is the same thing with us.  When we connect, we open a valve and something moves inside. And when we are detached, the valve is closed. That is how we work and that is how the whole system works. Light from one part enters into another part or it doesn’t. Everything works only on the basis of this single activity of connection or detachment, and nothing else.

This means that when we connect, we can influence the entire system of creation, all the worlds, our world, the nature of the still, vegetative. and the animate, our health, everything possible. We move or trigger the Light. There is nothing else in the world, only this energy. Either it moves and animates everything, or it has no access because of some wrinkles in the system.

How can we somehow create a system like this between us where the Light will flow in circuits within us, will increase and grow all the time so that we will constantly work on the discovery of more and more new valves?

Actually, these are called Sefirot. As we know, there is a Masach (screen), Ohr Hozer (returning Light), and a Zivug de Haka’a (striking interaction) on the Light and its extension from a second Partzuf to a third and so forth.

In this manner, we regulate the direction to which the Light will be extended and to which systems. And likewise, we regulate its intensity. We can activate parallel currents, all kinds of Partzufim and so forth. We can study its essence, its intensity, its characteristics, and the quality, according to what we switch on and block.

This is creative work, as you are involved in the study of the Creator, in that system which He made and gave to you so that you would begin to study it from your encounters: His thoughts and ideas, and of course, the purpose.

From me to we, from evil to good, from detachment to the development of good and Light. This is how we evolve.

And we always need to evaluate our actions and influences from above only according to the qualitative approaches and connections. This is the only way. Otherwise, we are mistaken and don’t understand the Creator. But if we specifically look from this point of view, then generally we begin to see His thoughts and ideas, His actions, and we begin to work together with Him. He summons all kinds of states, we react to them correctly and go in coordination with Him.
From the Convention In St. Petersburg “Day Two” 9/20/14, Workshop 4

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Turn On The Faucet To The Pipe Of Light
Cleaning The Pipes For The Surrounding Light
From A Thick Pipe To A Vibrating String

Entering The Holy Of Holies

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Midrash, Chapter “Acharei Mot (After the Death Of)”: On the first day of the month of Nisan, after the death of Nadab and Abiyu, the Lord commanded Moses to warn the priests not to enter the Holy of Holies but only to perform one service or another.

Even Aaron who was the great priest was not allowed to enter the Holy of Holies except for Yom Kippur and only in order to perform his duty there.

The Holy of Holies is the vessel inside a person that is totally purified of the ego. Such a corrected, pure state can be attained only once a year and only when a person ascends to the level of the great priest.

Therefore, Aaron entered the Holy of Holies only once a year and no one else was allowed to enter, since they had not purified themselves as yet and had not attained the level of the great priest.

If we translate this to the language of Kabbalah, only a person who has desires that can reach the level of the great priest can enter the Holy of Holies.

Holiness is the attribute of bestowal that is made of two levels, Hassadim and Hochma. If you don’t want to use your egoistic desires, it is called Holiness. But if you want to use even your old egoistic desires in order to bestow, it is called the Holy of Holies. When you attain this level, you become the great priest.

All this is gradually revealed along the spiritual path. When I began to study the wisdom of Kabbalah with my teacher Rabash, I wrote down every word he said. I approached everything like a scientist and saw that he regarded it scornfully, “What difference does it make if I told you about something or not?”

He was right, because if you follow the spiritual path, you discover this anyway and see, hear, and know. After all, the basic property of the spiritual levels is that when each of them is revealed, you begin to see, hear, and understand what is going on inside it.

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Where Is The Door?
A Temple In A Person’s Heart
Preparing A Spiritual Vessel

The Decline Of Babylon, Part 5

Dr. Michael LaitmanToday, the linear process of egoistic resettlement is over, and we are again placed in a contemporary type of Babylon because of the global network embraces the whole earth. Babylon has expanded to the entire world.

The overall egoism that governs everybody is in fact the current Nimrod. At this time, all we need is for Abraham to come and announce to us: “There is the way out!” Today, everybody experiences tremendous fear because we can destroy each other just to eat. The main human problem is hopelessness: people hate the mere fact of their existence.

Comment: But previously, in Abraham’s time, there were only five thousand people who listened to and followed him.

Answer: Those were the ones who felt hopeless and at the same time strived to find purpose in life. Today, this aspiration has surfaced ​in our consciousness and many of us can already feel and recognize it. It is no accident that depression is one of the most widespread diseases in the world.

Nevertheless, Abraham doesn’t show up today because all the people of Israel have to act as Abraham. Originally, Abraham’s group set an example to the whole of  humanity: “Here is what we can achieve.” Today, Abraham’s group demonstrates a very negative example in the inability of the Jews to work as a good model to the world and this triggers humanity’s hatred towards them. This is the root of anti-Semitism.

People subconsciously hate the Jews because they sense that they have to bring them joy, happiness, deliverance, and show them the way out. “We have to receive something good from them, but instead, they bring us affliction, disasters, and squalor.”

For many, the destruction of Israel at a purely egoistic, primitive level seems like a solution: “No Jews, no evil.”

In fact, the evil descends to the nations of the world through the Jews. They are not wicked, but they “transmit” wickedness, even though they don’t know it.

By blaming the Jews, the nations of the world acknowledge that they depend on them and that their lives are influenced by Abraham’s group. So, it proves that this small nation is stronger than the rest of the population of seven billion people. If the Jews manage to transition from a minus to a plus, humanity will receive the potion of life through them.

Question: Could you please explain the reason that nobody likes the Jew?

Answer: People have to know how to use this force. Their attitude towards the Jews is instinctive and naturally awakens them. That’s why even nations that have nothing to do with the Jews still hate them.

We have to explain these issues to the people of Israel and to the nations of the world in order to initiate a unified system that will eventually bring us to a state of order.
From KabTV’s “Babylon Yesterday and Today” 8/27/14

Related Material:
The Decline Of Babylon, Part 4
The Decline Of Babylon, Part 3
The Decline Of Babylon, Part 2

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 48

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

The Postulates Of The Theory of Integrality

Nature knows in advance where it is heading.

Everything is pre-planned.

Our brain, our mind, can function if it receives commands from the system above.

Either way, each of us is a part of humanity. That is why our brain receives commands from the common “human field.”

If the human being is needed a common system – he exists. If not, he does not exist.

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 47
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 46
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 45

Delighting The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It says in the articles “Mutual Guarantee(Arvut) and “The Giving of the Torah(Matan Torah) that we have to fulfill all the needs of the nation. How should we go about caring for everyone’s needs?

Answer: Start by worrying about the circle of people you are with in this convention, with whom you work and connect. Try to think about what else they need and what is best for them.

Don’t think about any spiritual matters, but rather about how you can help them and what you can provide them with, like washing the floor for example, or something like that, but, through it, in order to please the Creator.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 6

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A Nation Of Kabbalists From The Smallest To The Greatest
Delighting The Creator
Servants Of The People

Why Are The Jews Hated?

From “The Only Way Out”

It is useless and futile to talk about who, how, and why Israel and the Jews are hated, and everyone is already fed up with this question. The answers to these questions don’t solve the problem since they don’t answer the main question: “What is the reason for the hatred people feel towards the Jews?” Many anti-Semites and Jews look for and find endless reasons for this centuries-old hatred .

In fact, the opposite is true.; there aren’t reasons that lead to hatred but it is the eternal hatred of Jews throughout the ages that depicts the hundreds of “objective” reasons.

It is time to acknowledge the fact that the actual existence of the Jewish nation under the ages of persecution is not just a random phenomenon, but a natural phenomenon that is similar to the force of gravity or the changing of the seasons. We can relate to the Jews any way we like, but the actual fact that they receive such special treatment indicates that it is a unique phenomenon.

Let’s ask ourselves: What is the uniqueness of the Jews? Is it the fact that there are so many Nobel Prize winners among them, or musicians and bankers? Yes, the Jews are known for their accomplishments in these areas and there is no argument about that, but bankers and Nobel Prize winners and even chess players aren’t the only Jews. It turns out that the main Jewish secret is concealed somewhere else.

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 09.23.14

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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In The New York Times: “Who Are You, People Of Israel?”

NYTMy article, “Who Are You, People of Israel?,” published in The New York Times, Saturday, September 20, 2014:

Who Are You, People of Israel?

By: Michael Laitman

Time and again, Jews are persecuted and terrorized. Being Jewish myself, I often ponder the purpose of this relentless agony. Some believe that the atrocities of WWII are unimaginable today. And yet, we see how easily and abruptly the state of mind preceding the Holocaust is re-emerging, and “Hitler was right” shouts are sounded all too often and all too openly.

But there is hope. We can reverse this trend, and all it requires is that we become aware of the bigger picture.

Where We Are and Where We Come From

Humanity is at a crossroads. Globalization has made us interdependent, while people are growing increasingly hateful and alienated. This unsustainable, highly flammable situation requires making a decision about humanity’s future direction. Yet to understand how we, the Jewish people, are involved in this scenario, we need to go back to where it all began.

The people of Israel emerged some 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. Babylon was a thriving civilization whose people felt connected and united. In the words of the Torah, “The whole earth was of one language and of one speech” (Genesis, 11:1).

But as their ties grew stronger, so did their egos. They began to exploit, and finally hate one another. So while the Babylonians felt connected, their intensifying egos made them increasingly alienated from each other. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the people of Babylon began to seek out a solution to their plight.

Two Solutions to the Crisis

The search for a solution led to forming two conflicting views. The first, suggested by Nimrod, king of Babylon, was natural and instinctive: Dispersion. The king argued that when people are far from one another, they do not quarrel.

The second solution was suggested by Abraham, then a renowned Babylonian sage. He argued that according to Nature’s law, human society is destined to become united, and therefore strove to unite the Babylonians despite, and atop their growing egos.

Succinctly, Abraham’s method was a way to connect people above their egos. When he began to advocate his method among his countryfolk, “thousands and tens of thousands assembled around him, and … He planted this tenet in their hearts,” writes Maimonides (Mishneh Torah, Part 1). The rest of the people chose Nimrod’s way: dispersion, as do quarrelsome neighbors when they try to stay out of each other’s way. These dispersed people gradually became what we now know as “human society.”

Only today, some 4,000 years down the line, we can begin to assess whose way was right.

The Basis of the People of Israel

Nimrod forced Abraham and his disciples out of Babylon, and they moved to what later became known as “the land of Israel.” They worked on unity and cohesion in accord with the tenet, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” connected above their egos, and thus discovered “the force of unity,” Nature’s hidden power.

Every substance consists of two opposite forces, connection and separation, which balance themselves out. But human society is evolving using only the negative force—the ego. According to Nature’s plan, we are required to consciously balance the negative force with the positive one—unity. Abraham discovered the wisdom that enables balance, and today we refer to his wisdom as, “the wisdom of Kabbalah.”

Israel Means Straight to the Creator

Abraham’s disciples called themselves Ysrael (Israel) after their desire to go Yashar El (straight to G-d, the Creator). That is, they wished to discover Nature’s force of unity so as to balance the ego that stood between them. Through their unity, they found themselves immersed in the force of unity, the upper, root force of reality.

In addition to their discovery, Israel also learned that in the process of human development, the rest of the Babylonians—who followed Nimrod’s advice, dispersed throughout the world, and have become today’s humanity—would also have to achieve unity. That contradiction between the people of Israel, which formed through unity, and the rest of humanity, which formed as a result of separation, is felt even today.


Abraham’s disciples, the people of Israel, experienced many internal struggles. But for 2,000 years their unity prevailed and was the key element that held them together. Indeed, their conflicts were meant only to intensify the love among them.

However, approximately 2,000 years ago, their egos reached such intensity that they could not maintain their unity. Unfounded hatred and egotism erupted among them and inflicted exile on them. Indeed, Israel’s exile, more than it is exile from the physical land of Israel, is exile from unity. The alienation within the Israeli nation caused them to disperse among the nations.

Back to the present, today humanity is in a state similar to the one the ancient Babylonians experienced: interdependence alongside alienation. Because we are completely interdependent in our global village, Nimrod’s solution of parting ways is no longer practical. Now we are required to use Abraham’s method. This is why the Jewish people, who previously implemented Abraham’s method and connected, must rekindle their unity and teach the method of connection to the whole of humanity. And unless we do it of our own accord, the nations of the world will compel us to do it, by force.

On that note, it is interesting to read the words of Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, and a notorious anti-Semite, in his book, The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem: “Society has a large claim against him [the Jew] that he … begin to fulfill … the ancient prophecy that through him all the nations of the earth should be blessed.”

The Roots of Anti-Semitism

After thousands of years of exerting to build a successful human society using Nimrod’s method, the nations of the world are beginning to understand that the solution to their problems is neither technological, nor economic or militaristic. Subconsciously, they feel that the solution lies in unity, that the method of connection exists in the people of Israel, and therefore recognize that they are dependent on the Jews. This makes them blame the Jews for every problem in the world, believing that the Jews possess the key to the world’s happiness.

Indeed, when the Israeli nation fell from its moral apex of love of others, hatred of Israel among the nations commenced. And thus, through anti-Semitism, the nations of the world prod us to disclose the method of connection. Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, pointed to that fact with his words, “Amalek, Hitler, and so forth, awaken us toward redemption” (Essays of the Raiah, Vol. 1).

But the people of Israel are unaware that they are holding the key to the world’s happiness, and that the very source of anti-Semitism is that the Jews are carrying within them the method of connection, the key to happiness, the wisdom of Kabbalah, but are not revealing it to all.

Mandatory Disclosure of the Wisdom

As the world groans under the pressure of two conflicting forces—the global force of connection, and the separating power of the ego—we are falling into the state that existed in ancient Babylon prior to its collapse. But today we cannot pull away form one another in order to calm our egos down. Our only option is to work on our connection, on our unity. We are required to add to our world the positive force that balances the negative power of our ego.

The people of Israel, descendants of the ancient Babylonians who followed Abraham, must implement the wisdom of connection, namely the wisdom of Kabbalah. They are required to set an example to the whole of humanity, and thus become a “light for the nations.”

The laws of Nature dictate that we will all achieve a state of unity. But there are two ways to get there: 1) a path of world suffering, wars, catastrophes, plagues, and natural disasters, or 2) a path of gradual balancing of the ego, the path that Abraham planted in his disciples. The latter is the one we suggest.

Unity Is the Solution

It is written in The Book of Zohar, “Everything stands on love” (Portion, VaEtchanan). “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the great tenet of the Torah; it is also the essence of the change that the wisdom of Kabbalah is offering humanity. It is the obligation of the Jewish People to unite in order to share the method of Abraham with the entire human race.

According to Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, “It is upon the Israeli nation to qualify itself and all the people of the world … to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of the love of others, which is the ladder to the purpose of Creation.” If we accomplish this, we will find solutions to all the world’s problems including the eradication of anti-Semitism.

Related Material:
The Basis Of The People Of Israel
Where We Come From
We Today

Split Of The Community: Who Is To Blame?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why in relation to the recent developments in Israel, did the Jewish-American community become divided into two parts? Why do most influential Jewish individuals and organizations take an active anti-Israel stance?

Answer: The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. Jews living in other countries are trying to hide behind the alleged anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist policy. It has been this way at all times.

But it will not help them because the attitude not even towards Israel, but just towards Jews stems from anti-Semitism, and not from anti-Israel sentiments, not because someone is “for” or “against” the Arabs—it does not matter. The Jews will be always blamed even if they themselves take a clear anti-Israel stance. At the same time, nothing will help us but to show ourselves and to give the world the method of correct existence that it is waiting for.

Question: Why is what is allowed for any country in the world not allowed for Israel?

Answer: Of course! According to statistics, over the past few years about forty million people were killed in Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, and Lebanon. But no one talks about it, raises the issue, or pays attention.

It is not about who is fighting whom, but the fact that the Jews who are supposed to bring the Light to the world are not doing so. Anti-Semites say: “You are the cause of all the suffering in the world.” So, it is not the Arabs because this was talked about before the establishment of Israel, before the war. In fact, this feeling is within a person who feels that he depends on our nation.

We need to understand them. Kabbalah speaks about this seriously, openly, because in a very short time we can completely change the attitude of the world towards us. We have no other choice.

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