The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 29

From the book The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein.

About Kabbalah

Before we continue with the story, we need to give some information about the science, on which we so often rely. It is not hard to guess that we will be talking about the wisdom of Kabbalah. Here are a few words about the origins of Kabbalah.

Abraham – in what was he the first one? As we have already mentioned, he was the first who managed to form Kabbalistic revelations into a clear method, suitable for passing down to future generations…” (M. Brushtein, Anti-Semitism as a Law of Nature. M.: AST, 2014, p. 51)

What is this science?

“Kabbalah is the only science of the development of creation. It is the source of all the other sciences and teachings.” (Dr. Michael Laitman).

Baal HaSulam writes about the same, but in more detail.

“… This wisdom is no more and no less, than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, in fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.” (Yehuda AshlagThe Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah)

In the article “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” he explains in great detail, what Kabbalah is and what it is engaged in. In addition, he devotes a lot to its scientific apparatus and terminology.

“Thus Kabbalists have found a set and annotated vocabulary before their eyes, sufficient to create an excellent spoken language. It enables them to converse with one another of the dealings in the spiritual roots in the upper worlds by merely mentioning the tangible branch in this world that is well defined to our corporeal senses.”

He did not forget the stigmas and prejudice against Kabbalah.

“Many believe that all the names and the words in the wisdom of Kabbalah are a kind of abstract names.”

Following is the answer of Kabbalists.

“But that is not the case. On the contrary: Kabbalah uses only names that are concrete and real. It is an unbending rule for all Kabbalists that, ‘Anything we do not attain, we do not define by a name and a word.’”

“Here you must know that the word ‘attainment’ (Heb: Hasaga) implies the ultimate degree of understanding.”

Thus, Kabbalistic information, clothed in a special terminology, is fully tied to this terminology. This method of transmitting information is called “the language of branches.”

This implies, firstly, that this text may be written only by a person who sees a connection between root and branch, and secondly, that nothing can be changed in this text arbitrarily.

“Yet, you will fully understand it once you have acquired the above conceptions. This is because it is now clear that no language in the world can be used to explain that wisdom, except one that is intended for just that end, namely the language of branches, relating to their upper roots.”

“Now you will not wonder at the occasional use of alien appellations. It is so because they have no freedom of choice with appellations, to replace the bad with the good, or the good with the bad.”

The language of branches is in fact the principle of transferring information. Thus, using, for example, historical narration or Kabbalistic terminology, it is possible to transmit the same information.

“That is the nature of the spoken language among Kabbalists, by which they convey their spiritual attainments from person to person and from generation to generation, both by word of mouth and in writing. They fully understand one another, with the required accuracy needed for negotiating the study of the wisdom with precise definitions one cannot fail in.”

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 28
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 27
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 26

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