The Art Of Balance

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the absolute definition of good and evil?

Answer: Good is balance, harmony, and wholeness among all parts of nature. Evil is the opposite, a lack of balance, a lack of wholeness, eruptions of one of the forces, leading to wars and disasters.

In other words, good without evil is also not a good situation. It seems apparent that a bright sunny day is better than a rainy day, but if this increases to an extreme level, this heat will burn everything.

And so everything good is concealed within balance. This means that I must keep balance on the three levels of my existence: the corporeal (beastly), the human, and the spiritual. The corporeal level is health, home economics, healthy nutrition, healthy sex, and healthy relationships in the family. We must teach people all this because they, unlike animals, don’t inherit traits like these instinctively.

The human level is my relationships with society, with the environment. The spiritual level is my spiritual aspiration: my goal in life, my perception of reality, how I imagine what is higher. These three levels together require balance.

Question: How can one describe balance on the human level, in relationships with the environment?

Answer: We don’t feel a division between us, we belong to a unified community, to one human body; we are connected into one system. And among us we want to arrange for balanced relationships of mutual cooperation.

Ultimately nothing separates us, we are a single whole. We depend upon one another and don’t even feel this dependence, for the answers to all of my requests come at that moment, immediately supplying me with what is missing, and I gladly give to others what they lack.

This is called balance in human society, this is a reciprocal interaction based upon two opposing forces that there are in everyone. One is for all and all are for one. We must reach this.

Question: So what is the way that we are going to do this? How will we maintain the right direction towards the goal?

Answer: First of all, we must study it. If I try to organize my life in the family and in other frameworks like this, I will begin to feel balance, harmony, between us and the environment. And in this immediate vicinity some kind of shared power is revealed, the good and benevolent.

On one hand, we create it, yet on the other hand, it is latent in nature, it is above us. From this it follows that we don’t create the power itself, but the conditions for its discovery. And then we connect to it: It fills us and we build and create it, more and more, until there is complete harmony between us and this force. This is the goal, and it is called, “the perfect good.”

Question: This means that my “compass” is the good force that is discovered in every connection and interaction between me and the environment?

Answer: It is precisely between us. We are equal and seemingly disappear, leaving only one desire, and this is to maintain the balance of all of the harmony and unity.

And according to this general integral state among us, I now define the concept of good and evil. I call balance “good” and the lack of balance “evil.”

I repeat, the main thing is to reach balance with the immediate environment, in the connection of mutual cooperation. Here “plus” and “minus” meet, giving and receiving, like the exchange of materials, here there is an exchange of feelings and relationships that are being carried out. It is the same thing as on the level of the still, vegetative, and animate, yet already on a mental and spiritual level.

And on this level, we develop within us a “sense” of evil, the ability to recognize evil on the basis of a universal measuring stick: balance between people, mutual love, connection—all this is good. And the departure from the unity, distance from it, is evil.

This is what must become the basis of the education of the modern human. This is because essentially he doesn’t need anything more than this. This will bring him success in life.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/10/14

Related Material:
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One Comment

  1. The sense of balance is quiet obvious when you feel with your consiousness. I thank Dr Laitman for the brightness of his articles.

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