Knowing The Rules Of The Creator’s Game

how-longIn order to attain the Creator, creation has to combine two opposite forces inside it. Otherwise it won’t feel anything besides itself, like the still, vegetative and animate objects. However, a human being is unique because he feels his neighbor.

First a person sees his neighbor as an opportunity to use him. But eventually a person develops and starts to understand that the neighbor is actually him. It only seems to us that others are against us because our ego pushes them away and makes us hate them. Yet, if we overcome this repulsion and attach others to ourselves, then we will regain the part of ourselves that we lost and will attain the Force that separates us – the Creator.

If I bring the system of souls back to its corrected state, where all the souls unite through mutual work, then I will attain the Initial Force that created the Single Soul, then broke it and left it to us to put back together. Each person is like a child that becomes big – attains the Creator’s mind – by gathering all the parts back together.

The Creator deliberately keeps the parts apart, separating them with hate and egoism. He is like an adult who has broken a complete toy and mixed up all of its parts, giving the child an opportunity to gradually develop, gain a mind and demand a correction of his qualities in order to gather it back together.

The child has to search the Soul’s future form and demand examples from the Adult. He has to force the Creator to correct the breaking together with him, as a child asks an adult to help him build a house out of blocks. Thus, by playing together with the adult, the child will understand where the game came from, why it’s necessary, why he was created the way he was, and what the Creator wants from him. He will then become like Him!

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