Is It Good To Expect Things?

can-we-control-our-thoughtsIn the News (translated from We are all waiting for something. It’s natural for people to expect things. But is it useful?

Brian Tracy, a renowned consultant in personal development, writes about the law of expectation on the website, “Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.” Our expectations tend to materialize! This is why thinking about the things you expect is so important, as it creates our future.

My Comment: This is exactly right. Our thoughts are the strongest force in the world. The problem is, they are so strong that we cannot perceive them, similar to how we cannot perceive other subtle forces, such as radiation.

However, if we  train ourselves to perceive thoughts using the method of Kabbalah, we will feel and see them, as well as their influence!

Related Material: Post: Changing the World Starts With Changing Yourself Post: There Is a New Force Operating In the World – the Force of Total Interconnection Post: Our Thoughts Can Change Everything (Even Israel’s Water Problem)
A course in Perception of Reality: Lesson 4 – The power of thought

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