The Law Of Integral Interconnectedness

remindsA question I received: Can you please give a more detailed explanation of the Law of Integral Interconnectedness? What do you mean by that? These are beautiful, correct words, but they remind me of something a psychologist would recommend to a married couple on the verge of divorce: “Love each other,” because then you will be in balance with the Law of Integral Interconnectedness and you’ll live happily ever after…

My Answer: Your question can’t be answered with a single answer. You should read all the materials on this blog as well as other materials we have on the crisis and its correction. Once you read them, I will be happy to answer all of your questions.

I select about ten questions from every hundred questions I receive, because most of them are asked by people who are too lazy to read the older blog posts and others material we offer.

Related Material: Post: Kabbalah Is the Science About the Right Connections Between Us Post: Crisis and Resolution
Kabbalah Today Article: “Connecting the Dots (the Kabbalistic Version)”
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “Discovering the Unified Structure”
The Book of Zohar: “The Vision of Rabbi Hiya”

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