Entries in the 'Israel Today' Category

War Shortens the Time for Correction

294.2Of course, our duty in the corporeal world is to protect ourselves and, as commanded, to kill one who is trying to kill us. But we must understand that by doing this we are only buying ourselves a short delay for the correction of our souls, which is entrusted to us.

However, a soldier of the Israeli army who is at war should not fear that if he dies, he will not be able to complete his final correction. War is arranged in such a way that if he is destined to die, it means that he has already completed his correction.

This correction affects not only those who were killed or injured, but all the circles around them: family, friends, and acquaintances who experience this trauma. Desires, thoughts, and actions caused by the tragic event of the death of soldiers correct the thoughts of their loved ones, the entire nation, and all humanity.

After all, all souls are, in essence, one soul, and through the mutual inclusion of souls, they influence everyone.

There is a big difference between dying from a natural disaster like an earthquake and dying as a soldier in war. An earthquake is caused by the inanimate level, and death in battle is caused by the human level, and the difference in the correction of souls is enormous.

War comes to shake people up and shorten their time of correction. After the war, thoughts and relationships are usually renewed. Therefore, until the end of correction, it is impossible to completely avoid wars, and history continues. The purpose of war is to awaken a new response in desire so that with new desires, with the experience of war, people acquire the ability to make decisions that are closer to the final correction.

In the end, only the Creator always wins in war because in the end we are convinced that we cannot have any victory unless we unite and receive power from above. All our perfection and peace lie only in the Creator.

The Creator wants us to understand that only the unity of the people of Israel without any borders will help us save ourselves and the whole world from the abyss into which we are all gradually sliding.

Therefore, let us be strong in spirit, let us not cry, and, as they say, let us meet the coming day with a new song in our hearts.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/21/23, Writing of Rabash “And It Shall Come to Pass When You Come to the Land that the Lord Your God Gives You”

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So as Not to Pay for Life with Blood

294.3The mother of one of the hostages killed in Gaza wrote a letter to the Israeli soldiers who tragically shot her son when they mistook him for a terrorist.

In this letter, she says that she loves them and justifies their actions because they have an obligation to protect themselves from terrorists, they are not to blame for anything, and only Hamas is to blame for everything.

Where does a mother get the mental strength to support soldiers fighting for their country in such a way? I have no words to express my attitude to her action because it is truly beyond human strength.

The Creator will reward her entire family and give them peace of mind. Let us hope that such a tragic mistake will never happen again.

The whole nation needs to learn from the heroism of this mother how to meet the blows of the Creator and blind fate. We have to pay for our lives with our blood.

But you can also replace this payment. If we get closer to each other and unite with our entire nation, then we will not have to pay such a high price.
From KabTV’s “Sight Inside” 12/24/23

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Protect Every Soldier

963.4There is an inner force of holiness in the people of Israel. It comes from the root of every soul connected with the common soul of the people of Israel.

This inner force of ours, the desire to get closer and unite as brothers, will certainly reveal itself and bring us victory. The force of unity will break through from within our people and bring us so close that it will help us reach a common victory and get out of this whole situation.

A soldier who fights for the people of Israel and gives his life for them is called a righteous person, a hero of Israel; he is a great soul connected with the upper force, and he is under the wings of divinity.

Therefore, along with deep sorrow, we can also envy the one who ended his life with such a heroic deed, such a great action.

Israel has a magnificent army. We only need to be closer to each other within our nation, and then all the forces hidden in us will be revealed, and we will be able to defeat all enemies and be stronger than any other nation.

What force allows a soldier to give his life so that others may live? There is a very deep inner spiritual root in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) that will yet unfold and reveal that, in fact, we are all in the deepest and strongest connection with our inner soul. If we unite, then no one can defeat us.

If we want to win this war as quickly as possible and with minimal losses, then we only need to think about connection. We can protect every soldier by enveloping him and her in our prayers—the personal prayer of each individual and all of us together. If we are not yet completely successful in this and there are losses, it is only because we still lack unity.

War comes only to bring us all closer to each other. The people of Israel are obliged to unite so that there is no distance left between us, neither internal nor spiritual and physical. I believe that we can understand and implement this.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look” 12/24/23

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Antisemitism as a Law of Nature

515.02The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them (Maor VaShemesh – Light and Sun).

Question: Today, most countries of the world support Hamas, even though Israel has given so much to the world and we have never been the first to attack. Something irrational is happening that defies logic.

Even in Western countries, the most progressive segments of society condemn Israel and say that it is an apartheid state. In other words, universally accepted principles of equality, truth, and justice obscure all the facts that we see. How would you explain this?

Answer: I will explain it very simply. The hatred that exists among the nations of the world toward Jews overrides everything. Everywhere! Absolutely!

Anti-Semitism acts as a law of nature. If Jews are not united, then supernatural forces are activated, and all our facts and evidence lose their basis. There will be no peace until Jews will change.

Anti-Semitism is eternal and inevitable, and there is no way to escape from it. Only if we change, will the Creator change others.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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At the Decisive Point of the World

417Regarding the war, the world has split sharply in two: for or against Israel. This confrontation manifests itself in every society and every corner of the world. What role does it play in the process of correction, and why is it happening this way?

I see this confrontation as a force that will oblige the people of Israel to unite. This pressure has no other purpose than to act on us so that we unite with each other.

The world is boiling, and everyone is looking at Israel as if it is an open wound on the body of the world. Why is such attention drawn to it? After all, if you look at the geographical map of the world, Israel is a very tiny country. However, this material map does not show the spiritual connection of Israel with the entire world.

It is not clear how it is possible that the whole world, billions of people with all their weapons, cannot cope with a tiny country that is almost invisible on the map. Here, the connection between the corporeal and spiritual world is clearly manifested, and we are at the most decisive point.

Despite the smallness of the State of Israel, the world feels particular importance in what is happening there. If you look at the size of this country on the map, it seems there is nothing to talk about. And yet they cannot do anything to us.

It is written in the prophets that at the end of correction, every person from the nations of the world will cling to a Jew to lead them to the holy land. It turns out that it is not enough for us to go out into the spiritual world, but we must bring everyone along with us, and the nations of the world will push us to rise to additional, still higher levels.
From the 3rd the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/14/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Shofar of the Messiah“

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The Desire to Come Closer to the Creator Determines Everything

962.3The externality are the nations of the world. The branch that extends from the externality is the rest of the nations. They have not been imparted the qualities that make them worthy of receiving the conducts of development of the purpose one at a time. Rather, they are fit to receive the correction at once and to the fullest, according to their upper root (Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“).

Question: What does it mean that Israel, unlike the nations of the world, can receive the conducts of development of the purpose one at a time?

Answer: It depends on how we define Israel. Israel is Yashar El, straight to the Creator, that is, those who are directed at the Creator, no matter whether they are white or black.

When there is no difference between them, then Israel is everyone who has a desire to come closer to the Creator either from birth or after some event in life. Accordingly, a person decides to develop.

The nations of the world are those who have not received or do not want to receive the desire for development in the direction of the Creator.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“

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The Sin of the People of Israel and the Nations of the World

631.5Question: What is essentially called the sin of the people of Israel, and what is the sin of the nations of the world?

Answer: They are both egoism. But the egoism of the people of Israel is central and fundamental, and the egoism of the nations of the world is much smaller and not so dependent on each other.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/5/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘A Ladder Is Set on the Earth, and Its Top Reaches Heaven,’ in the Work?“

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Egoism Of The Two Parts Of Creation
Two Parts Of Common Soul
The Soul Of A Jew

Punishment for the Rift in Society

294.2Question: What condition in Israel’s current war would you call victory? What is a victory for you?

Answer: It is a state where both sides raise their hands and agree not to fight anymore.

Comment: Many people say that one of the reasons for the current war was the split in Israeli society, which has been intensifying over the past year.

My Response: I think so too. This war can be called a punishment from above for our rift in society.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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This Will Be the Solution for Everyone
The Advantage of the Accelerated Path
What Does it Mean to Be the People of Israel?

We Need to Give Birth to Love between Us

963.5Dear Michael Laitman,
Trouble has brought us together again. We are again confident that the people are united, we will defeat any enemies, we can, we are strong, and we defend our home. I agree with all this, but where is the Creator now, the one you keep talking about? Or is it implied that He is inside this unity of ours?

My Response: We can say that we are close to misfortune. It is our enemies who have silenced us relative to each other.

Question: Do you mean that there is still a lot of work to be done?

Answer: Not only that still needs to be done, but we need to do the work! We were forced to forget about some internal quarrels. But we must understand that we must do serious work on a mistake. The mistake is mutual hatred, revealed in us by the Creator who specifically awakens it so that we ask Him to make peace and love between us.

Question: Do we still have to come to this?

Answer: Of course! And come in what way? We have to recognize and feel that there is mutual rejection and hatred between us. We have to rise above it.

This work is constant! It is not something that will pass in a couple of weeks, and that is it. This hatred will not go away. We have reached a level of connection between us, which is called mutual hatred. We have to suppress it from above with our love for each other. It is through hatred that we can reach love.

Question: You just said a very interesting thing. Is this a level of hatred? This level is already very high. Should love have the same level?

Answer: It should be even more, above the hatred.

This love is not ready, and it is not there so that you can take and replace one with another. It must be born out of ourselves! Precisely, in such serious labor pains. I think it is not easy, this work is for many years to come.

Question: Now everyone is thinking and talking, of course, about victory. Tell me, please, what do you call victory?

Answer: By victory, I mean the victory of a person over oneself. When one realizes that to win, he must defeat himself because besides him there is only the Creator. Here, nothing can be otherwise.

The only thing we need is to truly understand that we have always behaved incorrectly. Now is the time to understand, realize, and admit who is to blame.

It is us. By hating each other, we have led ourselves and the country to the fact that it cannot exist in this way. We must give a clear answer to this and proceed with what we must do to make this country Jewish and viable.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/12/23

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We Are All Brothers, And Not Only in Misfortune
What Does it Mean to Be the People of Israel?
The Main Weapon Is Our Heart

“Why Does Israel, a Small Nation, Get So Much News Focus?” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman on the Times of Israel: “Why Does Israel, a Small Nation, Get So Much News Focus?
In today’s complex global landscape, there exists a stark contrast between those who support and oppose Israel. It is a tension that stretches across borders, reflecting a force compelling the people of Israel to establish their unity amid the discord.

Israel, one way or another, bothers the world at large. It stands vividly in the spotlight, revealing itself in all its potency like an open wound on the world’s collective body. It is a major disturbance that draws attention and demands a close examination of the more concealed dynamics at play.

Considering Israel’s tiny size compared to the global superpowers, the surface picture based on our immediate narrow, corporeal and materialistic worldview falls short of grasping this nation’s full impact. Despite its minuscule geographical footprint, the unity of the nation reverberates globally, perplexing anyone who tries to gauge its real impact. It is a puzzle that requires a shift in focus from the physical realm to the deeper connections that bind people and nations.

How, then, does such a small nation, almost inconspicuous on the world map, elicit such widespread attention and reaction? The answer is in understanding the intricate interplay between corporeal existence and spirituality. We, the people of Israel, stand at that very juncture. Whether or not we are aware of it, we actually hold the key to resolving the complexities surrounding us.

Despite our relative smallness in size and quantity, it becomes imperative for us, the people of Israel, to assert our significance on the world stage. Our existence indeed holds a great level of importance in the grand tapestry of global affairs. How? It is that when we unite as a single nation above our internal divisions, then we impact the world with an unprecedentedly harmonious and healthy influence. Doing so brings us into contact with the deeper positive forces dwelling in nature, and such a unifying influence within humanity’s subconscious awakens the ability in everyone to unite above the harmful, exploitative and divisive egoistic desires that lurk in human nature. By contrast, if we let our egoistic desires and our internal divisions get the better of us, then our own wound infects and inflames the rest of the world, leading to increasing animosity against us.

It is thus my hope that we evoke our unity “as one man with one heart” above our divisive drives, and realize our full potential to unite and spread unity worldwide.