The Last Generation of the Renaissance

592.03Question: Many adults in Israel, particularly parents, are distressed and sad that children these days are immersed in mobile phones, computer games, and artificial intelligence and don’t pay attention to the older generation. This generation has even been called the lost generation.

And suddenly now, that war has come to Israel, the children went to fight, and suddenly they are so concerned about their parents, about each other, about the future of the country, about the unity of the people! We read their letters; these are lofty letters addressed to us! We begin to understand that it is not them, but us that are the lost generation. Us! They are 19 years old and older and are living by the ideology of unity, while we (their parents) are still embroiled in political disputes, insisting on our own, believing we are right. It is impossible to root out this spirit of being right from us.

So, the question is: Do you think that some sort of revolution suddenly took place?

Answer: I believe this generation will take matters into their own hands regarding human relationships and nature. They will force nature to change.

Question: Will they not drown in us, in our so-called “wisdom”?

Answer: No, I think they will be able to break free from this swamp in which people have languished for millennia.

Comment: But look, in our politics, for example, it is mainly the older generation that are confident in themselves, with political and military experience, and they seem to rule.

My Response: That does not mean anything.

Question: Does the country need the experience of such a politician or the experience of a nineteen-year-old who has felt what unity is?

Answer: The country needs a person who evaluates the life of the nation by its assembly, union, bonding, and connection. There have not been many such leaders throughout the entire Jewish history. I hope that such a leader will emerge among the people like Ben-Gurion and Baal HaSulam combined in one person.

Question: So, does this war help give birth to such a leader?

Answer: Yes, I think it has to happen.

Question: Do we need to make room for this?

Answer: This space will be freed up by squeezing out everything else from people, and only this desire for unity will occupy the space.

Question: Are you now talking about a leader, regardless of age or experience?

Answer: I think it does not matter.

Question: Will this combat experience of unity be instilled in this person?

Answer: Yes, I think this is how it should be. It is a kind of revolution in each person, and we are approaching it.

Comment: So, you feel that the generation…

My Response: Is not lost.

Question: Could it be that they might be wiser than us?

Answer: Yes, we live in the generation of the true exodus from Egypt. Let’s hope that Moses will appear among us and will lead the entire nation.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/12/24

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