“It Is Not Good to Be Alone”

963.5Question: It is written in The Book of Zohar: “It is not good for the man to be alone.” I know that there are married couples who live together and still feel lonely. Does the statement “it’s not good to be alone” refer to purely physical or internal sensations?

Answer: It refers primarily to internal ones. The most important thing is for a person to feel that there is a friend next to him.

And the fact that people live together and feel lonely in marriage, nothing can be done. It depends on their upbringing and their outlook on the world and life.

Question: If I feel that my husband is internally lonely, can I somehow help him?

Answer: Try to show him that you are his friend, that you are ready to understand him in everything, and then help him. A woman has such opportunities. But is a man ready to accept that a woman would address him like that, come up, hug him, and he would not push her away?

Question: Yes, not all men can perceive a woman this way, even their wives. What should a wife be like for a man to perceive her as a friend, as support?

Answer: A wife must be smart; this is the most important thing. And she must also be similar to his mother. It is not easy.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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