Grave Sin

204Question: Why is slander considered a very serious sin in the Torah?

Answer: Firstly, if you release a negative opinion into space, then it has no boundaries. Secondly, everyone can slander someone, there are no restrictions on this. Therefore, the person it is directed at can be struck by such a thing literally on the spot. At home, on the street, anywhere, he can hear gossip about himself, and he has no escape from it.

The Torah harshly condemns slander; it says, “Anyone who slanders his father and his mother must be put to death.”

From a spiritual point of view, this also threatens death. The thing is that if a person treats his country, his people, his relatives, the Creator, that is, everything that connects him with life in this world, in such a manner, then the judgment for him must be the strictest.

Comment: But you once explained that mother and father are the two highest levels, and if a person slanders them, it means that he does not have the importance of these levels. Thus, he simply cuts himself off from the source of life, and this is called death.

My Response: Yes, it can be interpreted that way. However, we are also talking about such cases when a person really speaks about his father and mother, and then his punishment should be public.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

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