Entries in the 'Group Work' Category

Focus on the Most Important

942Question: You said that as a result of the spiritual work, the ten will become like one body and appear before the Creator. How does this happen?

Answer: This is done by the Creator from above. But in order to help Him as much as possible, you must be ready to unite in one desire and strive for one goal.

Comment: We try to do this during the lessons and at all our events, but it does not work out.

My Response: No, it is slowly working out, but it has not yet come to the point where you feel it in your sensations. To speed up this process, you need to focus on making sure that your desires are similar to each other.

Question: We compose a prayer every day and try to build a common desire. Is it better to focus on one thing?

Answer: Yes, on what is important to us today.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam,Introduction to The Book of Zohar

Related Material:
In One Heart, In One Desire
Caring For Friends Means Caring For Your Correction
Incorporate In Each Other’s Desires

Feel the Ten instead of Yourself

938.01Question: Should the restriction be conscious, or does the light correct us automatically?

Answer: You cannot depict the right path for yourself. Therefore, it is better not to ask such questions; simply adhere to the quality of bestowal, to the Creator, from the bottom of your heart.

Do what you can. The less you think about yourself and the more about your friends, the closer you will get to the Creator. Correct the connection between each other until you lose the feeling of your own individuality and begin to feel only the common group instead of yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum”

Related Material:
What Is the Difference between Restriction and Annulment?
Get Closer to the Desires of Your Friends
Respect the Friends as the Greatest and Most Important

New Intentions Will Open Up

528.03Question: What should be the qualitative characteristics of our condition when large receiving Kelim of Haman can get out from under the restriction and receive for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: This is our prayer, nothing else. It is just our request to the Creator that He will correct our Kelim, connect them, and they will be able to receive the upper light (Ohr Hochma).

Question: We must be united in one desire. How to work with it?

After all, if we have the same desire, we think and assume the same way. But everyone has their job. How can we avoid the confusion of my work and the work of my friends?

Answer: Do what is in front of you, what is closer to you, what you understand. And then, gradually, new desires and intentions will open up in you, and you will correct them. That is happening gradually.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

Related Material:
How Can I Direct Myself to Bestowal
Desire And Intention
The Intention—Configuration Of The Heart

Prayer Is Connection with the Creator

624.02Question: It is said that prayer is connection between us and the Creator. What is special about this connection? After all, we feel connection with Him when we study, unite, and disseminate, do we not?

Answer: What your heart desires at every moment is prayer.

Question: Should we constantly focus on this, or are these individual efforts within the group?

Answer: Prayer can happen at any time both within and outside the group. The main thing is for each person to try to be directed toward the Creator. But if prayer goes through the group, it is much stronger.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum

Related Material:
“What Does My Heart Desire Now?”
What Is Prayer?
What Is A Prayer In Kabbalah?

Our Strength Is In Unity

933We will succeed in destroying the Jews because they are separated from one another; hence, our power against them will certainly prevail (Shamati 144, “There is a Certain People).

Question: What is our power?

Answer: The thing is, egoistic forces want to enter our environment and divide us so that we are not united among us. In such a case, they distance us from the Creator and can do whatever they want with us.

But if we unite among ourselves and with the whole world, then our collective power will represent the spiritual force. We need nothing else beside that. Our strength lies only in unity.

Question: What do we lack for such unity to become an example for the world?

Answer: We lack coming closer to each other and attempts to eliminate all bad thoughts and desires that flow from one to the other. We must rapidly gain strength and speed of unity in order to dispel all opposing thoughts and actions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

Related Material:
What Does Israel Need to Win?
Correction Lies In Unity
Jerusalem: A Symbol Of Unity

Clothe the Light of the Creator in Our Intention

544Question: If some situation occurs in the ten, what does it mean that we clothe it in reflected light in our relationships in order to reveal the Creator?

Answer: If we have the right relationship with each other and hence the right attitude toward the Creator, then we unite and turn to the Creator together in our desire to receive from Him in order to bestow to Him.

When we act this way, as a result of our work, the light of the Creator clothes in our intention toward Him, and to this extent we receive from Him.

Question: If one of our friends does not agree with some situation, how can the whole ten make a correction instead of him or help him do it?

Answer: Unite as much as you can despite the fact that you are a half or a quarter of the ten, it does not matter. Act as you need to, and everything else will come.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum

Related Material:
Practical Work with Intention
How The Reflected Light Became A Vessel For The Light
The Whole World Under One Umbrella

The Ten Is an Instrument in the Hands of the Creator

934Question: At what stage of spiritual development does a person attain the first ten Sefirot?

Answer: Ten Sefirot gradually open up to him to the extent that he wants to be with his friends and direct all his desires and thoughts to the Creator.

Question: Can we ask to have light all the time in the ten, and when we are filled with it, then we will build a screen?

Answer: No, you do not determine this. You are only asking for correction in order to be closer to your friends and help them to be filled with light.

You should strive to be good instruments in the hands of the Creator, that is, to wish that the Creator fills the whole world with goodness through you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum”

Related Material:
The Ten—A System Of Ten Sefirot
A Whole Group Of Ten
The Ten —The Only Love

Mutual Desire

938.05Question: What kind of work should we do in our Kli to fulfill the desire of the Creator?

Answer: We must unite among ourselves in one desire with which we can turn to the Creator, and He will fulfill it.

In other words, by uniting, we want to affect and bestow on each other. This property fills our common desire; we turn to the Creator and ask Him for the upper light to fill us with the intention of bestowal.

Question: The Creator desires connection with us, and our job is to achieve connection with Him. How can we quickly find this first contact in each state and then develop it?

Answer: In each state, we should strive for greater unification so that the small desires of each one will unite with the others, and we will feel a greater desire with which we can already turn to the Creator, and He will fill it.

Question: How can we check that our requests to the Creator are correct?

Answer: If your thoughts coincide with those of your friends, and you jointly join in turning to the Creator, you achieve your goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

Related Material:
Mutual Agreement
Grow To Be Human
Changing All The Minuses To Plus

Questions about Spiritual Work—102

281.02Question: What does it mean that intention should cover all desires?

Answer: All desires that may arise in a person should be under the intention to bestow, to unite.

Question: How can we avoid speculating in the name of the Creator, and while seeing all the flaws in the ten, justify and lead a righteous life?

Answer: You cannot justify what you see as evil. But you can simultaneously act as a righteous person, meaning to treat people with love and mercy.

Question: From which moment is the nation called Israel? Is it from exiting Egypt, standing at Mount Sinai, or receiving the Torah?

Answer: It is from the moment it directs itself toward the upper connection with the Creator.

Question: Is there a difference between the concepts of Jews and Yehudi?

Answer: Yes. Jews is a common term, while Yehudi means from the tribe of Judah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—101
Questions about Spiritual Work—100
Questions about Spiritual Work—99

Qualitative Unification Efforts

942Question: What are the qualitative efforts of our connection in our tens and our global group?

Answer: Qualitative efforts consist of thinking about our unification, and this action attracts us with its quality. After all, when we rise to the level of the Creator, we can influence all of nature, which will become unified as a result of our efforts, and then we will be invincible.

Humankind will see from our example how to act; it will also strive for unity, and the whole world will rise to the level of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

Related Material:
We Are Rewarded According To Our Efforts
Your Efforts Do Not Vanish Into Thin Air
Combine All the Efforts of the Ten