Join The Integral System

552.02Question: When someone provides me with some service, I can feel through it his emotional and moral attitude toward me. If I receive some products made by people I do not see and do not know, will I be able to feel them?

Answer: It depends on our agreement. There should be a clear program, clear policy, clear social agreement in society that people will produce only what they need and provide it to everyone.

Therefore, there should be common places established for producing necessary food, clothing, machinery, and so on.

But the most important thing will be aiming at mutual education, revealing the internal forces of the integral system of nature in the correct connection between us. This will help us create our own integral system of human relationships, which will be similar to nature. Then we will be called Adam, from the word “similar to nature.”

Question: What is better from the point of view of the internal laws of nature: to work for me, for the employer, or for the country?

Answer: From the Kabbalistic point of view, it doesn’t matter who you work for. It is because a person, society, country, the entire Earth, and all of nature in general are one integral system. We need to be included in this system first out of necessity and then voluntarily by our will and with love.

There are stages of our inclusion in the general system. Yet, it all begins with love for one’s neighbor and extends to universal love for the entire nature, for the entire system of integral connection.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

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