Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/17/24

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The Task of the People of Israel

269Question: What is the function of the nations of the world when the people of Israel fulfill their correction?

Answer: In relation to the nations of the world, the people of Israel are like the first nine Sefirot in relation to Malchut.
That is, they work with each other, connect, and internally correct themselves, but their main task is to prepare everything for working with the last Sefira Malchut. The nations of the world at this time are practically not correcting anything.

I am not talking about our movement, about those who join it. There were people who came from the Greeks, from the Macedonians, from nations very distant from Judaism and Kabbalah. They made a huge contribution to the dissemination and study of Kabbalah.

There are even people who lived two or three thousand years ago mentioned in our sources as great Kabbalists.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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Strive for the Creator

49.03Question: How does the desire for the Creator appear in us?

Answer: Directly from the Creator Himself.

Question: Does it turn out that it emerges selectively?

Answer: Of course it is selectively. The person in whom the desire for the Creator arises is called Israel. Isra—straight, El—to the Creator.

These people come to the science of Kabbalah. They do not know how it happens. There are millions of different cases.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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Fear And Trembling

How Can We Become the Creator’s Favorite?

963.4Question: Every ten makes efforts, but one goes in the right direction and another has long lost its way, although it seems we were all following the teacher. Does it mean that the Creator has favorites?

Answer: The Creator has favorites, it is true. Some strictly follow the Creator, and others do not put much effort into it.

Question: If you do see that someone has lost their way, can you correct him and help him?

Answer: This is someone’s personal work. The teacher is not there to point out his mistakes. If the student himself does not see them, the teacher cannot do anything.

Question: How can we anticipate these mistakes and become the Creator’s favorite?

Answer: I will start from the end: I would not recommend being the Creator’s favorite. It is very difficult because it requires a lot of effort. So we will continue as much as we know, and then the Creator will help us.

Ultimately, everyone will achieve complete correction and the end of all creation, but we want to reveal the unique attitude of the Creator. Therefore, we need to make sure we do what the Creator wants.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/25/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Environment”

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How Can You Make the Creator Like You?
How Can We Feel The Creator Loves Us?
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Gems of Love

546.03This is the meaning of the “remembering,” such as when one tells the one he loves, “Here is a bag full of gems, to show my love.”

In this way, the loved one strains to accurately count the sum of gems in order to reveal the love in his own heart, too (Baal HaSulam, “Remembering”).

Gems are concentrated grains of love emanating from the friends, and we feel it. Then, thanks to the fact that we unite, in this unity, we also feel the presence of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/25/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Remembering”

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They Did Not Know Joseph

231.02Thus, clearly, they did not know Joseph. In other words, they attained him only to the extent that they valued him in their hearts.

Therefore, they depicted the image of Joseph as they themselves were. Because of it, they did not know Joseph and the enslavement began. Otherwise, the righteous would certainly protect them and exile or enslavement would not be depicted to them at all (Baal HaSulam, Letter 10).

The sons of Israel were at a developmental level controlled by egoism, and they could not yet rise above it and approach Joseph.

Joseph is a very high-quality bestowal that could connect them. Since they did not achieve such a connection, they remained in exile.

Moreover, their acquaintance with Joseph did not give them any advantage. They were unable to use his power to leave Egypt.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

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Sukkot Holiday: Joseph
The Birth of Joseph
Unite To Exit Egypt

“Neighbor” Is the One You Must Unite With

938.01Question: Who is a “neighbor”?

Answer: A neighbor, in principle, is any person with whom according to the plan of creation you must unite.

Question: How does this relate to a friend?

Answer: The fact is that you and your friend are, as it were, training on each other, practicing the basic principles of Kabbalah.

Any relationship can be expressed here.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/2/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Love of God and the Love of Man“

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Unite with Your Neighbor
The Basis Of “Love Thy Friend As Thyself”
What Do We Gain From Love Of Friends?

The Quality of Prayer

944Question: What should the quality of our prayer be?

Answer: The quality is very simple; it is from the heart. Open your hearts and the Creator will feel what is in them. Everything is attained only by the power of prayer to unite, to rise, and to kill egoism in us.

Question: How can we literally wrap everyone in one blanket of love and how can we connect everyone with one prayer?

Answer: You should discuss this among yourselves and ask the Creator to join in your request, your prayer. Then everything will work out.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

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Prayer from a Pure Heart
Prayer Opens the Heart
What Kind of Prayer?

Means for Acceleration

565.01Question: How can the sufferings of love for others and for the Creator help us shorten the time of our advancement?

Answer: Through suffering we do not shorten anything. Suffering is not a means for acceleration and correction. Happiness, joy, and unity are the means for accelerating correction.

Question: Even the sufferings of love can help us?

Answer: The suffering of love is very personal. Therefore, it all depends on how a person experiences it and how he correctly perceives it.

Question: You say that happiness and joy are means for accelerating correction. What is happiness for a Kabbalist?

Answer: It is hastening the movement toward the Creator. Being happy means feeling that you are getting closer to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Love of God and the Love of Man“

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Advance in Joy
Happiness For A Kabbalist
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Questions about Spiritual Work—122

281.02Question: In all circumstances a person reveals that he needs faith. Can we talk about it and somehow transfer it?

Answer: No, transferring the quality of faith from one person to another is impossible.

Question: How can we properly work with the bitterness of egoism in the ten and literally chew it up? And what impressions should we receive to want to ask the Creator for a way out of the ego?

Answer: Show our friends how much the Creator reveals Himself in us as a bitter part of our work. That is how we will reach out to Him.

Question: You said that it is not worth getting stuck in a high state of suffering of love. Where is the right place to be?

Answer: If you love, you cannot dictate what you want, one way or another. The feeling of suffering of love itself determines your state. Let us get closer to it, feel it, and then we will see what we are supposed to do.

Question: How can we determine that access to the upper world is not a substitute of one illusion for another?

Answer: When you enter the upper world, you will see that it is felt with more clarity than our world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash Letter 72

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Questions about Spiritual Work—121
Questions about Spiritual Work—120
Questions about Spiritual Work—119