Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/16/24

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Everyone Will Get the Light!

591Question: Today, people are suffering and experiencing a lack of light.
Is there any hope of receiving this light and correcting what is happening?

Answer: Undoubtedly, eventually everyone will get the light. There will not be a single soul, not a single person, even with the most disgusting desires, with the most disgusting inclinations, who would not receive correction and fulfillment.

Question: How can people without any connection with the light get it in case of despair, war, and hopelessness?

Answer: They do not feel hopelessness the way you do. The time will come and they will receive the light of correction.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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Via Internal Communication
Passing On The Light In A Chain

Questions about Dissemination

263Question: It is said that the Creator is the first and the last. He awakens a point in the heart, and we lead the students like little children by the hand. What else is our role in dissemination?

Answer: Firstly, we study all the materials together with them once again and thus teach them. And then they begin to climb and reach heights.

Question: How can you convey to people, especially in a Christian country, that the Torah also has an inner essence?

Answer: You do not need to disseminate anything except “Love your neighbor as yourself.” That is enough to correct all souls.

Question: Do we have such souls who can work publicly with an audience and at the same time will not fall?

Answer: Of course there are. Do not be afraid to fall. The one who does not fall does not rise. So go ahead, and do not even go but jump from degree to degree.

Question: What is the minimum feeling we lead people to with our dissemination message? What are we talking about?

Answer: We lead people to do actions that reveal the Creator to them.
From the 2nd part of  the DailyKabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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Dissemination Revives The Person
Specifics of Dissemination
Everything Depends On The Dissemination Of Kabbalah

The Need for Perfect Faith

945Question: How do we add faith? Do we do this ourselves?

Answer: The Creator does it, but thanks to the fact that we all together want to increase faith. Each in their our way, but, in principle, together. We want to be in perfect faith.

It is a perfect faith that completely replaces knowledge, sensation, and everything we can receive from the Creator.

Question: How can we help each other achieve a permanent lack of faith that will ultimately replace our knowledge and feelings?

Answer: Friends can show an example and support, and then you will see what you lack to gain complete faith.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
The Power of Faith above Reason
Faith Above Reason
Move to Faith Above Reason

Examine and Correct

557Question: Can we in the ten unknowingly become workers of Pharaoh? Or by being involved in Bnei Baruch, do we have some protection, some guarantee that we will not stray away?

Answer: You have no guarantees. None whatsoever. Even though Bnei Baruch is a unique organization, everyone must constantly examine themselves, examine where they are heading and what they want to achieve.

It is only about each individual’s work. Each one separately.

Question: Can a ten deviate from the path? Have some tens in the world group already deviated, but are unaware themselves?

Answer: Of course such a risk always exists. But at the same time, tens can examine and correct themselves.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/25/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Environment”

Related Material:
Bnei Baruch: Spiritual Channel To The World
See Whose Orders You Follow
What Is Bnei Baruch?

Questions about Spiritual Work—121

232.031Question: What kind of fuel allows us to rise above reason?

Answer: It is the fact that we begin to feel a state above reason—an altruistic state without any connection with egoism—as the most important thing, and thus we rise.

Question: As a rule we burn leavened bread before Passover. What is spiritual leaven?

Answer: Leaven is that evil inclination, our uncorrected egoism, which we cannot use correctly.

Question: Why does an egoistic question asked by a sinner kill him? And how does faith appear in this place?

Answer: If a person wants to defeat his egoism, instead of that, he begins to feel the power of faith that develops in him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—120
Questions about Spiritual Work—119
Questions about Spiritual Work—118

The Most Important—Unity of Hearts

282.02Question: After Passover, we plan to hold a congress in Uzbekistan. Many friends will come to elevate this region.

What do you recommend for us in preparation for this?

Answer: The only thing I recommend to you is the unity of hearts. Not in words, but in your heart to feel you have friends with you, that you want to connect your hearts together, and that this common heart will already be filled by the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

Related Material:
Enter the Common Heart
Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart

Kill the Sinner within You

562.01Question: When a person hears the same constant question of the sinner in himself, what should he do to advance from this repeated question?

Answer: Turn to the Creator so that He can help him rise above egoism and see his condition from this height. Then he will advance correctly.

Question: It turns out that he constantly fails to reach the measure of this request.

Answer: There is a saying: God, grant that a person prays day and night.

Question: Can we help a friend kill the sinner within himself? Or is this an independent work for everyone?

Answer: Everyone must do this independently, but with the help of the environment. You can help a person, but he must act independently.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

Related Material:
Wishing For The Repentance Of Sinners, Not Their Death
What Is Sin In Kabbalah?
What a Person Receives Is what He Deserves

What Will Help You Get Out of Egypt?

571.03That is, while the Klipa of Pharaoh has dominion, and a mouth and speech in the exile, still, if they believed in the faithful shepherd properly, the children of Israel would be able to listen to Moses, who is above the mouth and speech.

To be in exile means to be under the rule of Pharaoh, i.e., under the control of universal egoism (Baal HaSulam, Letter 10).

The article discusses a transformation that occurs with the children of Israel when they can break free from this rule and become free from the power of Pharaoh. Practically only connection into one single desire can help one get out of Egypt and draw closer to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

Related Material:
How Do We Get Out of Exile?
What Does It Take To Get out of Egypt?
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”

Rely on Faith

237We should interpret that the order of one’s work in Torah and Mitzvot [commandments] when he wants to work for the sake of the Creator is that one must fight and defeat the evil inclination.

That is, it is human nature to toil when there is self-benefit. But when he sees that no self-benefit will emerge from this work, he cannot work. Instead, he complains and asks, “What is this work for you?” meaning what will you gain from exerting? …

Thus, through the question he asks, he takes upon himself the commandment of faith above reason (Rabash, Notes 572 “Two Labors”).

To work for the sake of heaven, you need to accept feelings and understanding in the light of faith. This means that we must reach a state where we will rely on faith and not on the reason that we rely on now.

To get an answer to your question in faith above reason and not in reason means to get a direction of thoughts, movements, and actions that will depend not on the ego, but on the quality of bestowal.

Thus a person must rise to a degree above reason and get an answer there to the question that is asked out of egoism, because the answer always comes from a degree above reason.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

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The Force of Faith Above Reason
Our Role In Faith Above Reason
Above Your Feelings