Specifics of Dissemination

959Question: Do the specifics of our dissemination matter, for example, if they are books or pamphlets, audio, or video? Or is there no difference?

Answer: Of course there is a difference because a person receives the most information through a video sequence with sound, music, and all the colors.

We can see where the development is going so that everything is as similar as possible to the picture of the world, which includes all our perceptions. Perhaps over time we will be able to transmit smells and tactile sensations, i.e., a complete picture of the world.

Let’s say, I am sitting in a room right now, a cool breeze is blowing from the sea. I feel myself, my body. If I did not have tactile sensations, I would not feel the body at all. The chair I am sitting in… I perceive everything around me: sounds, rustles, smells.

Vision, of course, allows us to perceive information and so on. This is what we must strive for in our mutual actions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Specifics of Dissemination” 4/21/12

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