The Army Will Be Needed Until the End

4Question: Not so long ago, in one of the clips, you said that one of the indicators of the movement toward correction would be the disappearance of borders between countries. It seems that this was not said at the right time because the cry began: “We want reinforced concrete borders between our countries! Up to the sky, so that everything is tightly closed.”

This was written by some. Others wrote that this is fantasy, that this would not happen. Still, others wrote that Europe has removed its borders, but it is not showing that they are moving toward correction. In general, there were a lot of comments.

Will the borders ever fall? When it will happen, what will it be?

Answer: Only if they will fall in the hearts of people!

Comment: It is a winning answer, actually.

My Response: It is impossible to disagree with this theoretically and it is impossible to agree practically.

Question: Do you link this directly?

Answer: Only in this case will this have a chance to be realized.

Question: What is it? What will my feelings for the other be then?

Answer: There are just no borders and that’s it.

Question: So, I have no fear of him, and I do not demand anything from him?

Answer: Absolutely nothing and in no way. Let’s say we live on one staircase landing, and there are a million doors, and all the doors are open. That’s it.

Comment: Once there was such a thing here in kibbutzim, and even earlier in villages. The doors were open, people were walking in. And now, as you keep saying, the ego has twisted us so much that we can’t.

My Response: We can’t, we can’t be close to each other at all. Egoism has been growing for many, many years, hundreds and thousands of years, until it reached such a state that if it were not for technology, education, upbringing, and the media that connect us, say whatever you will, then, of course, we would have eaten up each other long ago.

For now, we still somehow understand each other and subconsciously feel that it will be bad for me, it will be bad for you, and so on. This calculation goes inside us, and therefore we are not some thoughtless, greedy animals but with a good egoistic calculation.

Question: What needs to happen for us to decide that we need to slowly remove these fences between the hearts?

Answer: This should be a very serious calculation. Let’s say the state would set such a task that every citizen receives, say, $1,000 a month if he does something good in connection with others.

This is regulation from above our egoism. And then we will agree to some egoistic concessions.

Although, in principle, this is encouraging egoism. But, on the other hand, it would lead to some understanding of how a kind attitude can be useful. Therefore, it is necessary to buy people.

Question: You think that if we pay when a person does a good deed, at some point, something will click, and what will he say: “I don’t need money, this makes me feel good.” Could it be?

Answer: They will come to this, of course. Gradually.

Question: So, egoism leads us to such a decision one way or another?

Answer: Yes, but not to the complete abolition of egoism. This is already from above.

Question: So, the borders will fall sooner or later? Do you have any doubts about that?

Answer: I think that, of course, not today and not tomorrow, but yes, it will happen.

Question: Is this when a person will be able to trust another and be open to another? Only in this case?

Answer: But this is the final correction. And we are talking about people at least understanding not to do bad to another because it will come back to you.

Question: Tell me, please, in such countries, which, let’s say, slowly remove their borders, should the army exist?

Answer: The army will exist until the very end.

How can you be certain of others? You can’t be sure of yourself. The army will exist until the very end.

Question: Will their money exist? Or will they switch to a single currency?

Answer: It doesn’t matter if it’s unified or not. It’s like in Europe.

Question: But will money exist in a corrected society?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, one way or another the upper force leads us to such a world?

Answer: Yes. It will lead us to it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

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