The Main Thing in Spiritual Work

544Question: How can the properties of the righteous be canceled in inner work? Outwardly I can show myself to be no one in the ten, but internally the quality of a righteous person will sit within me. How do you work with this correctly?

Answer: In your actions regarding your friends, you must place yourself below them so that this gradually becomes part of your character. It is imperative. Then you will receive more.

Question: But if everyone externally and internally considers himself a “heel,” i.e., the lowest, who should you take as an example when you need the confidence of your friends in their inner truth?

Answer: There is the Creator above all of you. He will raise or lower whoever is needed, give an example to the group somehow, and so on. You will interchange your different states all the time. The main thing is ensuring everyone feels like a heel.

Question: How can you more clearly sense which of your friends is a zero or a one?

Answer: It is not important for you to feel it. You should not see that this friend is worse and that one is better. This one has wholly canceled himself and that one has not yet. Do not test them. The main thing is to push them forward, care for them, and let you be the last one.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/26/24, ”Preparation to ‘Life in the Ten’ Convention”

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