Keter Is the Quality of the Emanator

610.2Crown means Keter, and Keter is the Emanator and the Root. Kedusha [holiness] is connected to the root… (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 17, “What Does It Mean that the Sitra Achra Is Called ‘Malchut without a Crown’?”)

Question: What does it mean to choose holiness and connect with Keter?

Answer: We want all our actions to be directed at bestowal, as in Keter.

After all, Keter is entirely a quality of bestowal, while in the rest of the Sefirot (Hochma, Bina, and so on), there are all sorts of different qualities of reception and bestowal in different proportions to each other.

But Keter is completely bestowing, just as Malchut is completely receiving.

Question: Can we connect to the quality of Keter in the ten right away, or do we need to go through some intermediate stages?

Answer: To do this we must ask the Creator to give us more strength to fulfill the qualities of bestowal and not strive for reception, except for the most essential things. Then, we will be able to get closer to Keter (the Creator) and push away from Malchut.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/30/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Does It Mean that the Sitra Achra Is Called ‘Malchut without a Crown’?”

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