Raise the Greatness of the Friends

283.02Question: There are, as it were, two desires in a person concerning his friends. In his egoistic desire, he sees the flaws of a friend. With the altruistic desire, called the sixth sense or the screen of spiritual attainment, he sees his friend’s greatness. What should one do when he is only in his egoistic desire?

Answer: Then he must work so that his altruistic desire will appear. Until it is present, a person cannot see any positive qualities in a friend. He is building it, but it is yet to form in him.

Question: Rabash, however, writes in his articles that a person should try to see, within his egoistic desire, the importance and greatness of the friends. Is it possible?

Answer: Yes, we should try. Try to understand, even purely egoistically, that you need it. Therefore, you need to make efforts to implement it.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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