Attitude toward Efforts

243.01Question: In Rabash’s article “Moses Went,” it is written that when a person does not have a right hand, which is called the property of Hafetz Hesed, and he enjoys work, then the Sitra Achra (egoism) has no connection with this work. Does it mean that it is forbidden to enjoy effort at work?

Answer: In general, yes. We should enjoy not the efforts themselves, but how much these efforts influence the Creator and His attitude toward creation.

Question: How can I check whether my effort brings pleasure to the Creator?

Answer: When you turn to the Creator with a request, then your work already includes a certain raising of MAN on your part (what payment you want to receive for your action). You want your friends to get an ascent from it.

Question: If I make some effort and I feel good about it, then is this prohibited? Should I only wait for my friends to receive an ascent because of my action?

Answer: On one hand, yes. But on the other hand, it is not forbidden for you to feel bad.

Question: So it is good when I feel bad from an effort?

Answer: No, no, your attitude to your efforts should be in the same direction, the way you think to advance yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Moses Went”

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