How to Bring Inner Energy Into Creativity?

565.02Question: Let’s say a movie related to Kabbalah is being made in Hollywood. At the same time another film on this topic is being created by a group of people who understand it a little more deeply. What will be the difference and strength of the films?

Answer: If the film is made in Hollywood, then it will be shown today and forgotten tomorrow. Of course it will somehow be perceived by humanity. It can be a very high-grossing, popular film, because in Hollywood everything is determined by money and the number of viewers. However, it will affect humanity in a very superficial way (broadly, but superficially).

But if we take part in the creation of this film, then completely different energy would be spread through the internal communication network between us. These connections can be represented as a set of many internal levels, 125 degrees, until our complete connection into one single, inseparable, and absolutely integral organism.

Let there be love, betrayal, and some kind of tension in this film, as it usually happens in feature films, but no lies, and it should be closer to the goal and closer to our reality, through which we must pass. It is a pity that everything gets mangled. Nevertheless, certain internal schemes are created in a person, which then confuse him very much in his life.

Hollywood has rendered so many people “disabled.” The things it has done alongside useful stuff! Still it is a path through pain.

But on the other hand, if these are good things, even made without us, then by taking them into our hands, starting to process them, and adding a large number of comments, we can add our energy to them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Healing Energy” 10/1/11

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