The Difference between Partzufim

571.03Question: How do Partzufim differ from each other? We know that desires in our world differ both in quantity and quality. For example, there is a difference whether I get pleasure from drinking tea or I enjoy power when I control several million people. And what about the spiritual?

Answer: There is practically no difference. Egoistic power is egoistic, altruistic is altruistic, and therefore, there are no special differences.

If we perform spiritual actions, that is, giving, uniting, and fulfilling others, then we feel that we are giving, getting closer, and rising to higher spiritual levels.

At the same time, at each stage there is increasing connection with the Creator. This is the difference between the Partzufim.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/27/23

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