The “Bird” Language of the Great Kabbalists

137There are materials in Kabbalah that prepare a person to correctly relate to the text and materials of the text itself. Kabbalists write both for us.

In addition, there are texts that they write for themselves, which are called “bird” language. These are letters, symbols, and incomprehensible squiggles. Baal HaSulam has texts that we do not even publish because he uses words in them that do not exist in our world.

For us, they are just a set of letters. But when you reach a certain spiritual degree, you suddenly begin to understand what they mean. And the feeling, its name, and what you read from it immediately matches and adds up to one place. But this is only for those who attain because we are not touching this part now.

So far, we are only interested in two parts of Kabbalah: how to prepare for the correct reading of the text and reading the text itself so that it affects me. That is all. That is what is there.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hidden Power of Books” 7/9/11

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