Other People’s Desires

219.01Comment: When you describe incorporation into other people’s desires, everyone always imagines that you gave something to someone: either you brought a cup of coffee to a friend or something like that.

My Response: No, a Kabbalist does not work at this level. Illusionists can work at this level—to guess a person’s desires and thus perform tricks. A Kabbalist does not perceive desires of this type at all.

For him, mutual desires are desires for connection: whether they exist or not and as far as we can combine them. Our task is the restoration of one single organism, the parts of which we must connect after shattering. We have no other concern. That is, I perceive you as a part that needs to be attached to a common organism. That is how a Kabbalist sees it.

Therefore, bringing someone a cup of coffee or something else is not what is required. The Kabbalist’s desire to feel the other is not at that level, although in general he should take care that this other, who seems to exist outside of him, has what is necessary for existence.

Comment: After all, the material is also included here.

My Response: Yes, in this way the existence of an extraneous desire or an organ of this desire is evaluated within us. Each of us is a separate organ that exists at the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels.

On the still, vegetative, and animate level, I have to take care that the other has everything necessary, that is, what any animal needs.

On the human level, I have to take care to create all the necessary conditions for him to properly connect to spiritual nutrition.

How does the part of the desires that is called human, feed? Only when it connects to one shared system. I have to bring him to the possibility of connecting to this system.

But he still has freewill. Without the fact that he realizes himself and connects himself to the common system, nothing will happen.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Other People’s Desires” 6/27/11

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