What Does Slander Lead To?

224Comment: There is a state when a student speaks against a teacher.

My Response: Then he is not a student! By doing this he completely cuts himself off from spiritual advancement. Much has been written about this. The most important thing in our movement is simply to idolize the friends, the group, the teacher, and the Creator, and to do it more and more at that. How will you advance without this?

If someone speaks badly about the teacher, then that is it, he cuts himself off! After all, in spirituality there are no conditions that someone heard something, and someone did not. You have such thoughts, that is it! Nothing else matters.

There are many so-called students who attend classes, hang out in different groups, and think badly or speak badly of others. I am very sorry that such events take place because it is useless to deal with them, in the end they will not advance.

Question: But can a person get through this state and become aware of it? Or do you think that if he went into such a stupor, he would not come out?

Answer: For everything, so to speak, there is forgiveness, but a person must work on himself. It happens to everyone! I am completely calm about this. But he should be aware of what he is controlled by.

Comment: You said that it is necessary to remain silent and not interfere with those states of a friend that seem bad to us.

My Response: You can sometimes point at it in jest or in between words. But in general no! What is the benefit of that? He must experience all this internally and rethink it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Hate the Teacher and Friends” 12/29/12

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