Man and Woman—Unity with the Creator

631.5Question: Why are man and woman very close to the concepts of Creator and creation?

Answer: The fact is, the desire to receive is the female part, i.e., the whole creation, and the desire to give is the male part, the Creator. This is how it is realized in every part of nature and in our world at all levels: still, vegetative, animate, and human.

Question: Is there an ideal relationship between a man and a woman?

Answer: Only if they achieve correction. There is no other way.

Comment: But they are completely different!

My Response: When they reach correction, they become the same. In our world, this is realized if a man and a woman strive for their correction together—for unity with the Creator.

When they set the task of the Creator to be between them, meaning, if the main thing in their relationship is bestowal and love, and mutual communication with each other to eventually become like the Creator and not just satisfy each other, then they spiritually rise very strongly, quickly, and effectively.

Question: Does their spiritual connection erase the boundary between the feminine and masculine?

Answer: No, it does not erase it, on the contrary, it makes the borders more convex. Their relations outwardly resemble spiritual ones when one from the male side and the other from the female side rush to each other in bestowal, love, and complement each other.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is a Man and a Woman?” 2/21/11

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