Kabbalah Is the Natural State of Man

962.2Comment: There is a certain contradiction in the explanation of Kabbalah and in its implementation. Let us say that when there is an explanation of Kabbalah, everything seems to sound fine. And when it comes to some processes, I have seen people react and say: “We respect Michael Laitman a lot, but we cannot see what’s happening on the screen.” It’s like people go into a trance.

My Response: What can you do? If you look at Hasidism, at Christianity, at Islam, or any other customs and techniques of meditation, you can see the same thing. A person falls into a trance, enters some kind of sensory state and stays in it.

But there is very little of this in Kabbalah. In Kabbalah, all this is clearly controlled. Each step-by-step state is described discretely, with informational data, the so-called Reshimot, with the transformation of analog sensations into digital ones, in the form of a clear determination of the weighting of states such as Partzufim, that is, steps. Kabbalah describes feelings in physical terms, because they cannot be described by anything else.

For a person who does not yet understand us, it is not clear what Kabbalah deals with: feelings or science? And Kabbalah is the science of feelings.

Kabbalah is the natural state of a person when he enters into an ever greater sense of his nature and the nature of the surrounding society, and discovers between himself and society some kind of force that changes him all the time.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Sect?” 2/6/11

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