Transformation of Love into Hatred

559Comment: You said that if the external image of another person was inside me, then I would love him and somehow justify him. But if I see him from the outside, I immediately look for some flaws in him. However, it happens that a person constantly criticizes his internal qualities and feels remorse.

My Response: This is only if he suffers from them, if they cause negative emotions in him, and not in any other case.

Suppose I was told that I have ugly ears, and hearing this, I begin to suffer. Since then, I do not feel good about my ears, I do not like them. What can I do? It means that such an attitude toward myself was imposed on me; otherwise, I would not have thought about it.

See how a mother treats her child: he may be very ugly, but he is hers! She sees nothing ugly in him because she loves him. As it is said, all transgressions or all flaws are covered by love.

But when a person suffers, then the object of suffering gradually changes from a loved or neutral one to a hated one. So he begins to move from love to hate because the former object of love, which used to give him pleasure, now causes suffering. Therefore his perception is transformed into hatred and dislike. But this happens only on our corporeal level.

On the spiritual level, everything happens depending on the qualities of light.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Those Jews Again!” 6/9/12

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