Making the Light Work

938.07Question: How can I personally insist that the light affect me?

Answer: You do this with the help of a group, by connecting with others by wishing to increase your yearning for the quality of connection and mutual guarantee, by wanting to be with them in one single desire, above egoism by lowering it, and by directing your aspirations to the upper world, to bestowal and love.

By creating such a common desire, when all your egoisms are lowered and all yearnings for the Light are above them, you want the upper light to create an instrument of perception similar to it in you. To the extent these egoistic desires are rejected downward, and to the extent the altruistic aspirations, meaning mutual love, connection, and similarity to the light, are raised up, you come closer to the light in terms of quality, in terms of values.

This light that constantly surrounds us, this physical field affects you all the time.  Although it is permanent, its effect depends on your effort toward it.

As a result of its repeated influences, an organ of perception of light is formed within you. That is, the difference between these two opposite points becomes such that the upper light can enter into it and fill it. As a result, the Partzuf, a system, is formed. Your desires become similar to the light since it enters into these desires according to the law of equivalence of forms.

Then you begin to understand, to feel its qualities, its program, its intentions, and its beginning, end, and purpose. Without it, you cannot do anything.

Therefore, the entire method, in general, is simple. But a person does not agree with it. Firstly, his egoism rejects everything. And secondly, he cannot believe that in this way something can change.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Making the Light Work” 6/9/12

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Don’t Fight The Light
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