The World Puppeteer

423.02Question: You say that one needs to justify friends even if it seems that they neglect me.

Answer: These states are given to you on purpose; they play with you like with a child. They show you some scary faces, and you are afraid of them? You need to look deeper and treat everything that surrounds you as a game that is being played with you from above.

You must understand who you are dealing with—the puppeteer who stands behind the screen and controls everything. You need to contact Him through dolls; He will not let you near. Through them, He shows His attitude to you, you must show your attitude to Him through your attitude to the dolls, and then you will correspond to each other.

So you can only understand Him through this game. You do not have a direct language of communication with Him, you have not yet reached the degree of bare information. It must be embodied in words, in music, in feelings, in something like that.

And then everything rises to areas where all this does not exist. But first we need some kind of external shell, the so-called language, like of a computer or like our language we communicate with. The language of my communication with the Creator is the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World Puppeteer” 6/30/12

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