How Can You Feel the Qualities of the Other?

032.01Question: Can you describe by your example how I can see certain qualities in you?

Answer: Regarding you, I am a part of you. You just have to correct yourself to such an extent that you can put this part into yourself. That is all.

Question: But how can I feel your qualities correctly?

Answer: You cannot feel me correctly because you do feel not me, but the egoism that supposedly is between you and me. You feel only the egoism that is separating us, and you see it.

The wisdom of Kabbalah says that you must rise above your egoism, and then you will begin to feel the other as yourself. You will see that apparently, he is connected to you, he is your integral part. To do this, you just need to rise above your egoism regarding the other and annul your ego.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mirror Of a Soul” 10/4/12

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